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Denied Ren Tsukumo Chef Application


Level 9
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
I am In Central Standard Time zone, CST, Located mainly in Central north America

Describe your activity on the server:
6/10 However I am not active sometimes Due to my personal life I have a passion for School Roleplay. I wanted to join a faction so I can enjoy more roleplay besides gang roleplay or inside classes. I had not roleplayed any characters that were not criminals but I wanted to change how My Character develops by joining a faction despite being a ex character for Criminal roleplay. If i could change the Faction of My Character Ren it would change my characters way of life. It could help Ren get some money flowing for herself other than Fishing or other stuff. However I never joined a faction I have considered Joining one for months now. I wanted More opportunities for roleplay on school roleplay and I never had played a role outside of being a 18 year old student in high school. If i could join a different faction. I spend most of my time with friends on School Roleplay mainly unemployed and without anything interesting to do. Hopefully with my activity and If i could get This Role as a Chef It could change it. I am extremely experienced when it comes to Roleplay Myself and I could change the way and What I do with some of my characters.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I Have been banned before. I was playing school roleplay on a afternoon I believe a couple years ago. I was hyped for the purge event awhile back since I was really Into Gang Roleplay Myself at the time and I still am. So I was waiting for the purge event then it Happened. I was so excited to be able to kill anyone in a Gang Roleplay event but then I ruined it because I trolled and Fail Roleplayed and I wasn't following the rules because I was messing around. I decided I should not have done that and I had not done that Ever Since. It was my only Ban on one of my accounts and I have a Clean Record except for a couple warnings other than that. I strive to keep my Accounts clean from serious bans so I can join the factions and Roleplay Groups I Enjoy. Its why I Try to never get in trouble.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I Acknowledge that If i am Inactive i will be demoted. However In some life events or other stuff
'that might go on I might not be as active. I strive for activity in everyway I can to get stuff done.
I will be as active as possible within the faction as well as other groups that I am in because I have 2 characters so sometimes i might be active on one character then active on the next character. I plan to be active as much as possible within this faction and beyond with my other characters. I'm not the most active in the world but I am not the least active in the world when it comes to this server.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I'm applying for chef. Applying For a chef can help me get into factions on my character. I'm not really applying for a large amount of cash but applying for a start of something big because I wanna be a chef to roleplay and see If I can get accepted Into other Factions on my character Ren. I wanna believe this is the start of something big and very nice for myself and the one hiring me and the school. It will help me With other stuff. I plan to be a Chef however this is not the only role in the faculty faction I have interest In and I did not just choose this role for adult hood. I also joined for loyalty and other factors. I chose to Join my first faction before I move to other ones a long time from now. I wanna become a active chef in the school roleplay community and in Karakura Highschool. I don't just wanna be a active student or gang role player I wanna become something more than just a high school student so I can get the roles I want for my characters that is a adult and other things but being a chef is not simply a permanent thing but in a couple months I might Switch Jobs on this character hopefully.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A school chef Is also known as a cook or a cafeteria chef. They play a role in making sure students are well fed and that students receive nutritious and Delicious food during their time at School. I'm looking at you American Schools ugh disgusting. The School Chef have various tasks to meal planning preparation and service. Here is the responsibilities of the School Chefs that they have to do.
They have to plan the Menu to ensure the safety of students with Nutritionists,School Administrators,and possibly parents. They do this to help with allergies and cultural preferences for dietary restrictions when Planning meals. They plan the meals next procuring ingredients in large quantities while looking at how much money they have for their budget. Preparing meals in with standard recipes and portion sizes. Ensuring food safety and hygiene standards are thankfully met through out all stages of food preparation.
Cooking and baking requires Utilizing various cooking techniques
to prepare a variety of foods and dishes including,
boiling , baking bread, desserts, and other items when its need at the time of preparing meals.
Adherence to Health and safety regulations includes. Following strict safety and hygiene standards in the kitchen, Being organized with storing things, Handling things, And labeling food items to prevent food from contamination and preventing someone from becoming sick.
You got to Manage the budget by Effectively managing the kitchen budget by monitoring costs of ingredients,
'To make sure you don't go broke. you got to minimize waste and explore cheap alternatives.
working with staff Is also needed as a School Cafeteria Chef, working with staff closely including assistance and other chefs to ensure a smooth experience during meal times. communicating with teachers and administrators to address any special dietary needs or concerns within work hours.
Flexibility and Adaptability is needed so you can adapt to changes in student enrollment, such as dietary requirements, and menu adjustments. Modifying recipes and portion sizes based on students served each day so that everyone can get some fresh food.
Diversifying Tastes is also needed to have a variety of foods to help with cultural backgrounds and different tastes allowing for students to get the food they like and deserve.
Customer service is not always the best In American Schools however in Karakura its Japan and it has better food there. Providing good customer service to students staff and parents by talking about concerns feed back and dietary inquires can help boost the services.
Continuous Improvement
Staying up to date about nutritional trends and recipes that are new as well as cooking techniques can help a lot. Participating in professional development opportunities can help to enhance culinary skills and knowledge
A School Chef plays a crucial role in creating a positive '
dining experience to students providing healthy meals to
the students and to meet the diverse needs of the school.
School Chefs are usually under paid for their work but they get the job done.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have experience in Gang roleplay, Romance Roleplay, Friend Roleplays, Hobbies Roleplays, I sometimes do research for Emotional and Mental Health roleplays, I Prefer every type of roleplay that makes a character human that is not against the rules of the server. I am in multiple groups already in school roleplay when it comes to my interests such as Mefisuto however I want some characters that are not in a gang In factions. If I can get a character In a faction I can gain more experience when it comes to roleplaying jobs In general. my characters has been delinquents for 6 years and I want to change that and make my characters Truly alive in the world of Karakura. My characters are eventually gonna be in factions hopefully because that is What I want. However in Romance RP I dated I also kissed people you know usual romantic stuff. I am a generally nice person in Role play sometimes so I made friends inside School Roleplay by hanging out with people in general. School Roleplay is better with friends and other players. Hobby Roleplays can Help you boost attributes depending on what your character likes to do. Does your character like to, Play Sports , Swim , Fish , Run, and other things. You can make hobbies into a effective way for your character to get stronger and faster in any way. Hobbies Roleplays Can be traits to help you with attributes or find interesting things your character likes to do in roleplay in general. Emotional Roleplays helps you predict how your character reacts to something traumatic like a stabbing or getting hurt it can also be Mentally Traumatizing for a character so I try to roleplay Mental health Problems sometimes. Anything about the personality or role of the character can predict how are they gonna react to a action in general and this could also happen to non gang roleplay characters too.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I wanna join the School Faction Because, It would enhance the role plays I already have and the things I can do with characters.
Enhancing the things i can do with my characters and what they choose to do inside a Job or a work place if they get hired into a job.
Being in a Job faction can allow a character to work a Job it does not really have to be a dream job yet just any jobs they plan to work in their life time ensuring they can choose their life after high school. Being able to choose something you can do after high school is beneficial for a character and yourself in real life. If you wanna make money or choose a simple thing to do you have to get a Job at one point. Ren Tsukumo Is the perfect applicant for a Chef as she will do the job perfect and serve the students. I want to become a Chef and eventually a Teacher at some point But a Chef will do for now since There is a ton of Teachers. I plan to stay in the School Employee Faction and become a Teacher Eventually after awhile Maybe a couple months will do before changing jobs but I wanted to join to enhance my roleplay in my characters and work a perfect job on one of my characters in general.
Being able to work as a School Employee is what I really want for myself and hopefully you as well.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
12th Grade Student.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
As my character walking through to school hallways or serving my meals at the time and see people cursing at my character for being pathetic.
first warning My character would give warnings to tell them to "stop swearing or punishment will happen." as she said it angrily
Second warning my character would tell them to "stop swearing or detention." and she would get a little more angry at the situation. Third warning my character would hand out detention. "This is what you get for breaking the rules kid. Don't swear at school." The student would attend detention and serve
the consequences for their action by swearing at a staff member or employee on school grounds.
Swearing is allowed outside of these grounds but not inside school. therefore my character would not allow it.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
My character is walking through out the hallway and frightened by the students fighting on school grounds. She decides to break up the fight she used to be a delinquent when she was younger but she changed since then so breaking up the fight was easy for her with no physical harm on both students. She Then Told the students "No Fighting on school grounds you are now supposed to attend detention for your actions. I never wanted to do this." As she handed the detention slip. She knew she had to protect any students in the school when she wasn't in the cafeteria. So she would defend both students from hurting each other and de escalate the situation turning the fight peaceful. Hopefully the students calmed down by then when it came to violence as they both served detention. She would continue on her day afterwards.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
As My Character is doing her job properly. she witnesses a staff member doing something very dangerous on the job. My character would tell the staff member to
"Stop doing that its dangerous. I don't wanna report you to the higher ups quit it." giving them a chance to change how they are acting the second time I have to tell her I'm going for the higher ups for her safety and the safety of others. She is on a Job its Not middle school or high school anymore after being hired for a Job. Everyone has to follow rules on the job ensuring that everyone is safe from students to staff members. Everyone should work efficiently and without danger inside school grounds.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
As she entered the employee break room. She decided she wanted to eat some food that she brought from home. She pulled out a delicious sandwich made by herself and some food from the nearby grocery store as she ate the food inside the room. She would act completely normal in the Break room as she was taking a break while on the Job. She was taking a lunch break. Or she might just be in there and chill when she has no work to do before school ends. She Is a Very normal staff member seeming like a non playable character to younger generations. She was a pretty much nice person to be around in the break room after that. Following rules and regulations while on the Job she will do while being a chef at that school. She wants to work as a Chef and serve the students nicely for every student to enjoy a nice meal but she has no work to do sometimes so she chills in the hallways or chills in the break room with nothing to do during when it is not breakfast or lunch time.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:


As she began serving the fine cooked meals. She passed them out to students for each 1 that passes by in a line. Those meals looked very appetizing well because its Karakura. She passed out delicious meals from hot dogs to milk and ice cream. "Here you go Kid." As she passed meals from student to student. She was a pretty chill person about it. She took a breath before handing.... handing... and handing fine cooked meals stating that sentence each time to ones who decided they wanted a nice lunch to eat. The food looked stunning to those who passed by as she handed out food to the students.

She Sat in the break room chilling After lunch she decided to eat a hotdog she brought from home. The Hotdog with its tasty meaty and bread texture she took a few small bites. Enjoying every last bite of the hot dog she kept eating smaller bites as she ate. She was enjoying the hot dog. She took the last bite and then she rubbed her mouth with a napkin as she was enjoying the moment that ended but the taste lived on for a couple minutes letting her enjoy that sweet hot dog awhile longer. She then got up from a seat and walked out of the break room to chill in the hallways.

As she walked in the hallways. She saw 2 students fight on school grounds. She then decided to break up the fight hopefully calming the situation and ending the hostile situation. She made a plan to effectively break up the fight without harming any students as she tried to use her plan to stop the students she walked in between the students and trying to keep the students from fighting each other she then said "HEY NO FIGHTING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS!" She was angry at the students but she was guilty about what she was about to say about the situation after ending it "Detention afterschool." As she handed detentions to the students misbehaving. She felt guilty about it but she moved on with her day continuing the day as usual.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Ren Tsukumo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Preferred Name: Ren

Age (Minimum is 25):
I'm 25 years old and just graduated high school and higher education needed to become a chef prior to the application being filled out.
Gender: I'm a Female and I look forward to this job I plan to make my future come true by getting a job and working for the better of myself.

Academic Degree:
I have a degree in Culinary Arts

Major(s): My Majors is Cooking

Minors: My Minors is History

Nationality: I'm Japanese I was born in Odessa but now I live in Karakura Today

Known Languages: I know Spanish, Korean, and Japanese.


She was born in a family of yakuza gangsters in Osaka
. She lived in a neighborhood called Nishinari. She started to learn to fight early in life. at the age of 3 she lost many fights since she was only a child. Her family usually came to save her from rival gang members since she lived in a dangerous neighborhood. She enrolled in elementary at the age of 6 which was known for stabbings and fights. She was popular for defending herself well at that school and fighting back. she was a tough girl. However she got suspended multiple times in elementary school. years passed and at the age of 12 she enrolled in middle school. She was known for fighting others and she was popular for defending herself. "IM REN TSUKUMO DON'T FUCK WITH ME BITCH." She got expelled after many offenses then enrolled in another middle school. She was known as the chill one, She was a quiet kid for awhile and she was pretty popular at that school as well. She fought that one kid that enjoys beating people and won. After that nobody fucked with her at that school. she enrolled in high school then her parents died. She went to their funeral knowing she was a orphan after a gang war. Her parents did not care for her as much and they wanted her to join the Yakuza but all they did was treat her like shit her whole life. She moved to Karakura at the age of 18 and enrolled in Karakura Highschool. She has residency in Karakura at a apartment and she has a girl friend named Neko. She got in multiple fights and lost but she did however win 1 fight against a weakling. She also fought another enemy to protect her girl but got detention. She bought a knife and She joined a gang called Mefisuto in secret.
She got into the gang at the ripe age of 18. She planned to kill people and cut fingers off so nobody would oppose her. She attended classes and school and even f2bed with her own girl friend. She got multiple friends but she still worries about her enemies. She went on a date with Neko and She paid for a golden steak which was 70 united states dollar worth of yen which is like 10k. it was delicious. She kissed Neko many times and even Ren thinks Neko is a drug. Neko Thinks the same thing about her. She got friends throughout the city but also enemies lurking in the criminal underworld. She is a criminal and she is armed. Neko and Ren are psychopaths who love each other. a cute lesbian couple.
She ran from police after getting seen by police. She gave the knife to Neko to hide it from police.
Neko was every angry at her. She had attended gang trainings earlier to train to fight with weapons. She talked to her friend to explain her life story. She only got half way before she had to go to school then she talked about it more. Neko got angry and called her a demon. She cried multiple times earlier for the first time in years. She does not however normally cry she usually eat her emotions but someone who she cared about called her evil. She decided to run off but later that day Neko said sorry. She made out with Neko a few times before getting arrested for Evasion and felony Possession of illegal weaponry . She is plotting her revenge while in jail but she does not know how to get her revenge without weapons police have a taser tranquilizer and other stuff that she does not have. Her plan is to get 4 people with spiked bats to surround the person that arrested her after she gets out she may ask for help. After She got bailed out she realized that Planning to jump a officer does not seem so smart as she could go to jail for up to a year if caught So she decides to not jump the officer and cut off his limbs because she sees it too risky for her to do so. Officer Niklas Soderdahl was the least of her worries after she got out of jail since she was unarmed and in a gang. Her girl friend was super mad at her and she got depressed and lonely and she decided to change her life around for the better. She stopped hanging around gang members and avoiding fights and changing her life for the better. She felt guilt and regret for what happened she knew it was time to change her life for the better. Neko broke up with her but she is still friends with Her. She felt more depressed then ever and stressed in her life. She was a felon and she did not know what her future was gonna be. Dead on the streets or alive and well. She Was still recovering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the past couple of weeks that was stressful for her. She went to jail got out and was yelled at by her girl and her girl left her. She felt the world around her was crumbling but she still had hope. She had a new Crush on Camilla but she knew Neko cares about her still so she stays away from crime in general. She been trying to make money through fishing and auction to pay her rent same thing as her roommate Mateo does. She remembers when her parents breathed their last breath her family was killed they were as sad as she was. She been in a lot of fights and been in the criminal underworld seeing the world ruining her mental health and she tries to hide it from others. She is currently trying to leave it and make her life better again. Hopefully it becomes happier from here. She knew her life could only get better or worse from here.
She decided that she was gonna focus from school and hopefully become a chef at Karakura Highschool but she had more ambitions she wanted to become a History Teacher or a politician. She worked more on school instead of causing trouble, hanged, out with friends, and hopefully had a good rest of high school. She was a felon but she decided to work hard for her dreams of other Jobs and roles. She cant risk being arrested again and instead she decided to find proper careers for herself. She was still recovering from PTSD and Depression at the time but she worked and worked and eventually she made a application a few years into the future hopefully getting a Job and securing her future.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
I wanna join to make myself a new future. I wanna have a job to pay my bills. I also wanna help with serving meals at Karakura. I been wanting a job for ages and I'm applying inside my own apartment on a computer wanting something to do with my life. I been jobless and after finishing college I want to become a Chef but I have further ambitions in the future as a Chef or within school grounds. I want to have the best for each student and help them have access to food. Everyone should have food and not starve on school days. However vending machines are a option for students most of it is unhealthy for the students. I want the best for our students health and Help the students hunger within the school day. I want to help in any way I can with the school. I wanted a Job for ages now but i thought this was the time to score a new opportunity for myself and others. I want to be a chef hopefully to make money to help with my bills put food on the table and help myself Get a bit of money to get myself going.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that on my time on this server I proved myself to be a good role player in the community I had Improved to be really good at it and engage with any situations. My experience on gang roleplay and other stuff is very high as well as pacifist roleplays such as hobbies romance roleplay and other stuff. I also am a very nice person in out of character chat when I get the chance to be nice. However I had sworn in out of character chat before. I try not to swear directly at a person. I plan to enhance my roleplay beyond being a student. However sometimes I don't detail roleplay sometimes I do when I feel like it. I'm not bad at roleplay If i don't feel like typing a essay. I try to prove in any way I can to help myself get accepted in any application. I got into some delinquent roleplay on another character Joined a gang and I had not fail roleplayed on my time of gang roleplaying inside Mefisuto on Mateo Garcia My Character. I Am very experienced at roleplay but I can help myself
get even more experienced by Getting a Job inside a faction. I try to prove that I am the best role player compared to others to help myself get into enjoyable groups that I like myself. I'm not just experienced in roleplays like these I have roleplayed jobs in different servers and communities such as a gas station worker and police officer in another server. I tried to prove myself through delinquent and gang role play that I can in fact be a experienced role player and also in non combat situations by following all the rules of the server. If I can follow the rules then anybody can but it seems so special to be able to now a days. I'm not there for the money I'm there to be loyal to my co workers and hopefully join a new faction. I value loyalty and my own job over money but however I do need to pay my bills for my apartment so this Faction would help me do that. It would help me get some awesome role play.


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: I spent hours on this application I hope you like it.
Do you have any questions?: nah
Last edited:


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Unfortunately we have come to a decision to deny your application, this could be based on several factors:
- Activity
- Content
- Previous Punishment History

Due to the volume of applicants we have, we cannot go further in depth on these, however we encourage you to re-apply in the future.

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