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Accepted Receptionist Application | Pap1soda


Level 2
What is your Minecraft username?:
Pap1soda, P0ppysoda
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:

Mountain standard time.
Describe your activity on the server:
Way back when I was still in school I played all the time. Then I took about a four month break from SRP and came back and decided I wanted to play an adult character. Now I play for maybe 2-6 hours a day? Very big range I know.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have not been banned in the past.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying to be a Receptionist.
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Receptionists are the first employees to greet visitors to the building. It is also the person everyone turns to when they need directions, information about the school, or assistance from other students. They should often give off a sense of ease and be welcoming to all who enter. In general, Receptionists should be viewed as approachable, friendly, and welcoming. If needed, they assist professors and instructors with their classes while roaming the building.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Five or six years ago, I used to play minecraft and roleplay at a more constant rate. All on a mobile device, I found it fun and intriguing. It was often a Fantasy themed roleplay, with Elves Dwarves and Dragons. Basically dungeons and dragons. It was an awkward time for sure. Due to personal reasons, and well things that had happened between me and one of the members I decided to quit roleplay as a whole. I was more or less scared. A year ago now, I decided to make a return, so I started searching for roleplay type games, and came across The Roleplay Hub server. I have a fair amount of DetailRPing and general roleplay. I’m pretty open to roleplaying with People who've just joined the server. I often try to explain to them the commands. Only time when I begin avoiding them is when they begin to do wacky things.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I wish to Join the School Employee faction for two main reasons, actually. Firstly, I’d like to get more invested in the server that SRP is. I genuinely want to help out the community through roleplaying on the server. I want to be able to help the newer players and support them. If I had someone help me starting out, I feel It would’ve been a lot easier. I want to help them grow as players. A Lot of the time School employees as well as players in general just ignore the Greenies when they ask for help and ask questions. I know a few of my friends had to deal with this, I also had to deal with this. Whenever I needed help they just ignored me entirely. Me and my friends had talked about it, and we all thought that they didn’t feel welcomed by the server at all when we were greenies, mainly because everyone ignores those without SRP shaded skins and whatnot. This has been noticed by many other people to say the least.. I also wish to build a reputation for myself, So that people might get to know me more. So that in the future I’ll also be able to apply for different factions and roles.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Slight problem! I have previously made SRP applications! However, I can’t find any of them. I had taken a break away from the server and can’t locate any of the Previous applications I’ve made. Unfortunately. However I have three languages on my first account, as well as two on my alt. If those mean anything. I also plan on writing another Application for my main account to switch out Russian for Korean.
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
12 grade(main)
College Bachelor (main)
Grade 12(alt)
Grade 10(alt)

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Jinju was a rather calm headed and generally nice woman. She’d grown wise with her years, She knew how the student felt throwing Curses and insults like they were candy. That was her at one point in time. She would focus more on remaining composed throughout the situation. Because the moment the student got a rise or a negative reaction out of her. She would have given the student what they wanted. She would give a rather amused grin before returning to her normal demeanor. Before speaking out to the student in a respectful tone. “Oh? That’s quite interesting. But please, if you have something to say, be respectful about it. There is no need to use such Vulgar language on school grounds. Understood? And if I hear you continue, I would have no choice but to give you detention.” Jinju’s intentions were nothing more than to persuade the Student from using such foul language, and to be more respectful. However if the student’s attitude as well as use of language continued she’d reward their awful behavior with detention. If it continued she’d continue to contact SLT.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

While sitting at the receptionist desk with her chin placed in her hands looking at her computer procrastinating the start of this document she had to write, she was greeted by a student. The student was huffing as they’d just ran from the pool. “THERE ARE STUDENTS FIGHTING!!!” The student exclaimed. Jinju rushed from behind the desk before she looked towards the student nodding her head. She responded to them. “Lead the way, and be quick.” The two of them ran out to the pool where Jinju yelled out to the students who had been surrounded by a group of people. The woman Hollered out to them “STOP FIGHTING, THIS INSTANT. DISPERSE THIS INSTANT.” A few seconds went by and she heard no response from anyone and the fighting continued. She rushed past the hoard of people towards the center where she forced her way inbetween them. “I SAID THAT’S ENOUGH.” She yelled. “NOW DISPERSE, ALL OF YOU. OR I WILL BE FORCED TO GIVE YOU DETENTION.” She took the two who’d been fighting to the Nurse’s office where she had them examined and treated for any injuries. And then she sat down with them and talked and had them explain the situation. Upon seeing both of them injured and knowing they both threw punches. She gave both of them detention.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Jinju, noticing the employee’s behavior, scrunched up her nose in disbelief. Before approaching them to have a talk with them. She approached her coworker with a calm tone, and in a respectful manner in an attempt to calm them down. Hoping to convince them to stop with their dangerous behavior during work hours, she would continue to explain how he was making things both harder and dangerous for the students. If they continued to do as they wished and continued their inconsiderate behavior, she would have no choice but to escalate the situation to SLT, and see what it is they did from there.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

In the break room Jinju would often be found sitting at the table reading a book, The book often doesn’t matter. She loved to read more than anything. And even at one point desired to be a librarian at one point. She would be observant at all times listening to both the break room as well as anything that happened outside, such as Screaming and or yelling outside. She would hastily make her way out the door in the event she heard a fight taking place. She’d had too many of her nieces get hurt at school in the past to simply sit and listen to it.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me Chuckled slightly as she leaned forward tapping her nails against the desk as she looked over the various files, her eyes skimming over each one as she searched for a specific name. She tilted her head slightly, narrowing her eyes. Annoyed with how long it was taking to find the file on the specific student. She clenched her jaw lightly as she tried to continue to hold her smile that she had previously shown the student. “Did you maybe change your name recently…?” She looked up towards the student who stood before her scratching her temple before she continued looking through the files. “Oh, I found it nevermind. Here we go!”

/me Stopped typing as she looked up towards the Student with a warm and comforting smile on her face. “Huh, you need a schedule, do ya? Don’t worry I got just the thing. Surprisingly I think this is the first schedule I’ve had to hand out so far.” She stood up from her seat walking over the cabinet kneeling down rummaging through the last drawer. She had no idea where they were last placed, as this was her first time even being asked for one. “Typically people don’t really go through the trouble of showing up here.. So this mi-” She pulled out a schedule from the Cabinet nodding her head. “Huh nevermind. Here we go.” She then walked back to the desk and handed him the schedule. “Let me know if you need anything else, okay?”

/me Walked into the break room waltzing over to the fridge where she grabbed her lunch. Starving she plopped down into the seat as she pulled the lid off her food. “I’m so hungry, I swear My appetite has been ferocious since I put on weight…” She leaned close smelling her food, She gave a nod of approval before reaching into her Purse pulling out a book about Spores. Flipping to page fourty nine where she last left off she began to dig in enjoying her food. “Huh, I wonder if these Spores are edible..” Her stomach was definitely talking to her.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
(soon to be added)
Full Name (First & Last only):
Jinju Park.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Miss is definitely preferred.
Preferred Name:
Jinju, or pearl.
Age (Minimum is 25):
Female, She/Her.
Academic Degree:
Communications and business administration.
Known Languages:
Korean, Russian and Japanese sign language.
Jinju Park is a 36 year old woman who was born on June 13th 1988, Her life was filled with many ups and downs from childhood up until adulthood.. As many lives are. She lived a humble life with her mother Eun Ae Park in Seoul, Korea. Nothing remarkable came from their household, They were an average family with average aspirations. . Eun Ae Park, Her father was out of the picture, he was as many would call it, dead beat. Her father was good for nothing. At the young age of 8 Jinju began to grow rather adventurous, always trying to find a way out of the house, trying to escape and simply do her own thing. Her mother was heavily opposed to this idea. She knew if Jinju wandered off She’d never see her again. It’d happened many times before, Jinju wandered away and got lost. The only way she made it back home was because the police station recognized her as the little girl who often got lost. Her mom had been so worried about Jinju constantly she feared one day Jinju would wander too far and end up getting lost. Eun Ae decided it’d be a better idea to teach Jinju how to use maps, so that way if she ever did get lost she’d have one on her at all times. Ready to help her avoid getting lost and always be able to find her way home. She picked up the concept rather quickly being able to read maps and navigate with ease at the age of 10. As time passed and Jinju got older her desire to adventure grew stronger. Jinju often wandered into the forests with a little book about spores at her side. It was her survival guide in a sense, it was a gift from her mother. Her mother had asked Jinju what it was she wanted for her 13th birthday and she asked for a survival guide, a book about the different types of spores, hiking shoes and a backpack. She enjoyed leaving the house on adventures through the forest, over the river across the fields. Her happiness was cut terribly short. Her mother had fallen severely ill. Jinju, heartbroken and devastated by her loss, decided She wanted a new start. She then decided it was time for her to leave Korea, She spent her last remaining money on a plane ticket to Japan. Fast forward Three years, Jinju is living off the streets of japan, wandering aimlessly in an attempt to rebuild her life. At the age of 17. Living off her willpower alone she continued onward. Jinju came across a very suspicious man in a trench coat. At first she had paid no mind to him. Waltzing right past him. He then called out to her. “I’d seen you pass by this area many, many times before… Are you homeless?” He questioned. His voice was muffled by his thick scarf that wrapped around his neck. Jinju nodded her head, “I am…” She looked at the man. “That’s really a shame, isn’t it? Say. how would you feel about coming and staying with me… My place has a couple spare bedrooms. Of course, you’re never supposed to trust a stranger and all… But you look like you haven’t eaten in days..” He sounded sincere as he spoke. He turned on his heel walking away before waving his hand “If you want to live with me you should definitely follow.” The man wasn’t worried about the possibility of Jinju being a dangerous person for some reason. But she didn’t question it and followed him loosely. Keeping her distance. "What's your name? I’m Katsuka.” He asked as they walked along the sidewalk. He kicked a rock every now and then.Jinju nodded her head as she continued walking before yawning. “I’m Jinju… you can wall me whatever though I don’t really mind…” The Man nodded his head, “Alright, good to know.” The pair made it to the man’s apartment where they sat and talked. Jinju gave him the basic rundown of the tragedy that is her life. As she explained it. The man had decided he wanted to help her out. Just enough to get off her feet. Jinju stayed with the man for years, simply because she felt she would take advantage of this opportunity. He helped her get back on her feet as well as get a job, she ended up becoming the man’s roommate living with him over the years, all while going to college. For Communications while deepening her understanding of spores. Years passed and she’d long since completed college with a Masters in Communications and Business administration taking a job at a local business as a Receptionist. She soon began to hate Japan. for its lack of scenery as well as her desire to explore the world pushed her to move into Karakura, a much different place compared to Japan she had thought. Though this didn’t surprise her very much. Jinju managed to find a small and comfortable place within the business district. Living off her previously saved money from the Receptionist job she’d worked she sighed realizing her money won’t last her very long. Getting up from her seat she made her way towards the door putting her shoes on. Making her way out of her apartment she heard some students arguing, Angry at them making so much noise she left down towards the school considering looking for a job there. She asked around for an application for a Receptionist job, or a Librarian Job. Hoping they had spore related books there. Upon hearing there were more receptionist jobs open than library ones, she figured she’d become a receptionist instead of a librarian. She filled out the application and went back to her home where she sat patiently waiting for a response.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

My motivation for Joining KHS huh? There are a few reasons why I wish to join. I want to learn more about the Karakura school system, as well as guide the youth. Many many of them seem rather misguided. I don’t want any of them to end up how I did wandering the streets at a young age. Or caught in a life that they don’t want because they don’t know what else to do. I’ve also worked receptionist jobs for just about all of my life. Surprisingly, I was going to try and become a Librarian which connects to another reason. I wanted to see karakura’s High school’s selection of books if I’m allowed. I also want to make an impact on the Karakura’s school system and community. I want to know if this place is fit to nurture the future of any children I may have.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I think I should be accepted over the other applicants because of my determination and drive to better the school system alone, as well as help out those who may have questions or generally be in need of guidance. I don’t take shortcuts, I strive for nothing but perfection in everything I do. That is what I will bring with me to this job, continuing to work towards perfection. I want to learn more about people all while bettering my social skills, which I can do through this job. I feel I’d be a valuable addition to the School faculty team. I want to help shape the karakura school system, if not just a little bit to be better for the students.
I had initially planned on making the application look somewhat fancier, But I don't exactly know how to work the forums now and I didn't before. So if someone could help me with that a bit that'd be quite nice. I also ended up rushing the backstory a bit towards the end.
Additional notes about your application: Nope.
Do you have any questions?: No additional notes, thank you.
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Congratulations on being accepted, please DM me on discord so we can get started!
- ozinth

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