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KWV0 | Friendship Club Application


Level 25
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧INFORMATION ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Kai Wigglesworth

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
If this application is to be accepted, I plan to make the most of the opportunity and involve my club members with the responsibility of creating ideas for events, club activities, topics to gossip about and much more! I want to give the friendship club as much freedom as I possibly can with as much as possible.
Even though my autism limits how much I can understand in many social situations, I feel like if I give my club members patience, they’ll do the same. With that being said, if this application is accepted, I will do my best to lead this club with patience, understanding, an open mind and hopefully spread inspiration amongst not only the club members, but also those who watch from afar.


What is the official title of the Club:
Friendship Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
Larissa Lisitsyna | dsnylnd [Co-Lead]
Vincent H. Valis | Seagoddess
Rohan H. Hasuke | Baubled
Kumiko Kurashiina | SwordBunnyShimmy
Maxine B. Fuji | MeowMeowPurPur
Celestine D'aramitz | N1h1l1sm
Nishinoya Yū | kpzqy
Molly Oxenfree | Leviatoward
Satomi Tomohiro | Resaeus
Rin Z. Hasuke | Wevil_
Vegas Tiryaki | BritishJammy
Aera Cho | Goldenblossom

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Claude D’aramitz | Seagoddess

What is your motivation for creating this club:
My motivation comes from a lot of different factors, I will list them in as much detail as I can right here; Lower server numbers, the lack of players joining the server -at least in my time zone- has gotten me worried that people have become bored, my solution to this would be to create something more interesting for others to do if their reason for not being online is something relating to social anxiety (something I suffer from myself).
Feeling a need to improve myself, I have been roleplaying on Roleplay Hub since summer of 2020, and even though I feel like I have improved dramatically with my writing skills, roleplaying skills, and skin making skills, there is always something that people can improve on, and so I feel as if leading a club would be just the thing!
Helping disabled players, although many people don't see myself as disabled, I do in fact have a mental disability that affects how I do things like socializing, performing tasks and more. Not all disabilities are noticeable to others but do in fact become painfully obvious for those who are, examples being autism or ADHD to name the more well-known ones.
Promoting friendlier players, there is no doubt that anywhere you go you will find toxic players on a server. I have lost count of the amount of times I have been told to give up on those people because they’ll never go away, but I will not simply ignore the fact that people who may need help with seeming less toxic just exist. It’s not the fact I will go out of my way to accept more toxic individuals, but more-so give them a chance at bettering themselves through my club if they actually wish to.

What activities and events will your club do?:
School-wide events
Club-only events
School-wide event | Coffee morning:
The friendship club plans to eventually create a sort of coffee morning, this would simply be the club members bringing cakes that they made from home and making hot beverages for all students to come over and enjoy if they wished. We would also be serving cold, but healthy drinks as well depending on the weather, anything really that would help students feel more comfortable to socialize and make friends.
Depending on what the club members decide, we would either have the cakes and drinks be for free, or we would charge a small price that would be going to a form of charity of the club’s choosing. The way the club would choose the charity itself would be a suggestion meeting followed by a club-wide vote.
After the coffee morning has ended -that most likely lasting more than just the morning- we will be cleaning up the club room that was used for the event, gather up any charity money if chosen to use that, and continue the school day as usual. At the end of that day, all the club members will make their way to the area needed to give in the charity money if they wished.​
Club-only event | Friendship bracelet making:
This event will take place in the club room. My hope for this kind of event would be for everyone to be working on both their detailrp skills and their social skills, creating bracelets from different materials and detailing how they are being made. Since the bracelets will most likely be made quickly, I will be encouraging people to make more than one, or if someone has no one to give their bracelets to I will encourage people to make their bracelet for one of the other club members.
The friendship bracelets will have a variety of materials, these include but aren’t limited to; Paper, String, Plastic, Rubber & more. There will also be multiple things to help decorate the bracelets like beads and color markers.
Once the bracelets are made, they’ll be given out to those who need them, then if there is any spare time we will be having an ordinary chill and talk session where we’d make more bracelets if one wishes to, while also having good friendly vibe times.​
School-wide event | Anti-bullying awareness:
Anti-bullying awareness would be a full school day in which everyone will raise awareness for anti-bullying, and also how to prevent bullying as a whole. In order to prevent bullying with this event, there will be short lessons on how to avoid and/or stop bullying behavior, what to do if you or a friend is being bullied, how to stop bullying someone, describing what bullying is and more.
After the short few lectures about bullying and raising awareness, there will be a school-wide vote on an anti-bullying champion, one from HS and one from College, the anti-bullying champion should not be the most popular, but the one who is most friendly, has the least amount of detentions, and most helpful. It isn’t needed for a vote to take place but the winners will receive a blue anti-bullying wristband each to remind everyone that they are the most friendly, this is also a great opportunity for everyone to attempt to be more friendly in order to win.
During the vote, there is a fairly large gap of time to do more anti-bullying awareness activities, such as; A group-based talent show, A few friendly Spartans vs. Bobcats dodgeball matches or another set of group-based activities.​
I prefer to keep club-only events as suggestions from club members, so I try not to have too many ideas when it comes to this.

Assuming that I must come up with fun things or the club to do without involving the ideas of my club members, I will mostly be planning out fun games, like hide and seek, tag, board games, discord VC activities that could be taken into character depending on what it is (Example: chess.), sports activities, club collaborations, and more!​

How could your club benefit the School?:
Creating the friendship club would encourage students - part of the club or not - to create friend groups and regular healthy social groups in order to fill in that need for social interaction, the club existing at all will also hopefully encourage role play socially as well.

Characters who join this club will benefit by learning new ways to create friends, hold friend groups together, socialize, take part in activities and much more! Being a part of the friendship club will also guarantee their character’s ideas for the club being used, but only if it’s safe and of course beneficial. Anyone who is aware of who is in the friendship club will be able to have the freedom to come to one of the members in order to help them with making friends, or go up to a member in order to befriend.
A character who is part of the friendship club will be able to have the freedom to be able to suggest event ideas with the club, and everyone in that club will take that idea and modify it in order to suit everyone’s wants and needs.

Out of character benefits -other than of course having something to do in someone’s spare time- include, but aren’t limited to; making friends, encouraging detailed roleplay, taking part in events as a team, sharing ideas, comfortable and unforced socializing, friendly attitudes and much more! Usually in any school, all students are encouraged to make friends in order to stay mentally healthy. This is simply repeating the help that students would usually get and I will be more than happy to help those who oocly need assistance with making friends.
The friendship club will hopefully be a great source of roleplay experience and practice for many who not only join the club, but also interact with the members as well.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
The club room would make a great space for social games, gossiping and just simply chatting with each other. Forming friendships won’t always need a room, but it would be a great help. Events would most likely be held here as well, at least the small ones that can fit in a room that size.
If accepted, I will be discussing possible uses of the club room with the club members and have it decorated to suit those needs. I am hoping that the room assigned to the friendship club will also be a great hangout area for those who aren’t in the club itself, as well as an area to bring friends in order to promote the club or promote friendship and kindness as a whole.

The club room will be a regular spot for club meetings, in which everyone will be discussing how in-character school rules affect how people make friends, possible activities that we could do in order to boost the chances of making friends and how.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
There are very few exceptions to this, but it is highly recommended that a student in the friendship club be 14+, exceptions being the following; Having a reference proving that you’re serious about joining the club, you’re mature enough, a personal request to either the club leader or co-leader.
Newly accepted students to the club will not be official until they have attended at least 2 club meet-ups, from there it is their own decision what rank they hold. Of course, lead and co-lead would have to be applied for after becoming an official member of the club.
A student’s behavior must be mature, meaning a large amount of detentions will risk their placement as an official club member. Obviously this also means that if a student has been suspended or expelled whilst in the club, they must be kicked out.

All members should remain active within the club, if they are seen to be offline for longer than 6 days, they are given a warning about their activity via DMs, when that mark reaches 7 days they are kicked from the club. This is of course after receiving 2 warning before-hand, and only if they didn’t fill out an inactivity log.
When applying for the friendship club, all “joke applications” will be denied, if someone believes that their application was not a joke, they will 100% have the option to apply again as many times as they need, though there is a 5 day waiting time between applying to avoid spam.
It is without saying that following Roleplay Hub’s SchoolRP rules is essential if someone wants to become a member and stay a member, If I am to find out that one of my club members have broken a rule, I will report them to staff, and depending on the severity of the rule-break, I will kick them out of the club or give them a strict warning.
It is also very important to me that everyone in the club is enjoying themselves, so it helps when people are nice to each other, respecting boundaries, and of course following the rules (which was of course already mentioned).​
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