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ZRex2316's Reporter Application


Level 60
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
I currently have a total of 3 accounts
EnderBubs [Main]
EnderBubbies [Alt] [Adult]
ZRex2316 [Alt 2.0] [Grade-12]
Though I am applying for a reporter on my alt account ZRex2316

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

I do yes! I have a working microphone and I can join VCs when I have the chance too (which is often)
My discord username is enderbubs

List your timezone and country:
I am in the USA, California to be exact, and my timezone is PST

Describe your activity:
To say my activity is good would be an understatement. I have great activity in not just the server but also Discord too
Though due to school I am unable to get online at:

School starts at 7:30 AM (PST)
Get home around 3:30-4:00 PM (PST)
Depending on sleep I can be on whenever​
Again depending on sleep I can be up all night​
Same as weekends​
Same as weekend​

Besides school, once I can get onto my PC I am active online. Most often I am active on my KPD account as for my other accounts I don't have much RP to do. When it comes to actually being online I can be online for over an hour every day, and when it comes to being active on Discord or typing stuff on the forums I can do it throughout the day. Even when at school. I won't go too much into my activity though I can promise I am someone who you can rely on regarding activity

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Recently I've been doing a large amount of interrogations for KPD regarding all sorts of situations from assaults, gang situations, dented items, and more and I've enjoyed writing out the reports and the results of the interrogations. I also feel I would be good as a reporter with all of my experience in writing and handling reports
I also truthfully want a new RP experience. I've been in KPD for almost 10 months now and besides that, in my three years of SRP I have only done KPD and i want to try something else for once, I want to expand my horizon on new forms of RP and the factions within the server!

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have a large amount of writing experience from writing detailed applications, detailed bios, IC reports, case files, interrogations, and even lore forum posts like my post about Amaya's corruption. I enjoy writing and do it often, I am capable of writing long and detailed police reports as I've done in IC. I also know how to write on the forums, Google Docs, Google Slides, and more! I have a good amount of writing experience and I am confident that I would be able to handle and write all sorts of reports!

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes I completely understand

Why should we accept you over others?:
I Have A Large Amount Of Reporting Writing Experience:
Recently with KPD, I've been engaging in a lot of reports and interrogations. Throughout KPD I've handled a large number of different sorts of interrogations from gang affiliation interrogations, assaults on government official interrogations, basic assault interrogations, dented bats and wrenches, and more. I've also handled a large amount of IC reports, 113 reports to be exact. I have experience typing out report-based conversations and how to handle them and get information out of people as well. I know how to write and use forums and make things look neat and well-written, I know how to collect the proper information get to the bottom of situations, and gather as much context as possible. When it comes to writing and handling reports I'm someone I already have a good amount of experience and I will quickly and easily adjust to the style of reports that this faction does

Non Biased:
As a KPD officer when it comes to interrogations and reports I have to handle it all from a nonbiased standpoint already. I can't handle a report from someone who I dislike and change the report to make them seem bad, no I have to handle the report how my character would ICLY and follow formats and protocol. I am someone who HEAVILY dislikes bisism, especially within factions as I feel it can ruin the faction's reputation and reporters are no exception. Essentially seeing how they are the ones posting these reports public to the entire city!

Quota and Activity Within the Faction:
I've been in two factions throughout my time in SRP and I still am in one and quota has never been an issue. When I was a tutor back in 2022 I was the most active tutor to the point where i got head tutor within 2 months of being in the faction. I would constantly get over quota even, reaching 20+ hours of quota each month. My activity was so good I also got employee of the month my FIRST month being a tutor

And as for KPD ive gotten quota within 2 DAYS of the month! Not only that but one month I chose to log all the quotas that I could instead of not logging it after I reached max and I got 169 quota points, that's 4x of the quotas that an officer can reach at the end of the month
I am someone that you do not have to worry about reaching quota or being active within the faction and i can promise you that

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes I completely understand and I can assure you that it will never happen

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I promise I'll even reach over quota if given the chance

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I imagine that it's somewhat like how reports and interrogations go for KPD. We are given a topic to look into or make a report about and as reporters we have to often dig or even talk too people regarding these topics to gather more truthful information before going about and posting it. I also would imagine you have to understand and know the forums and get used to using them. Aswell as having creative and unique ideas that would go with the report

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

Darius Ikemori

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Mr. Ikemori

Current Age (25+):
I am currently 32 years old

Past job/work experience:
The only major work experience I had was being a police SGT in KPD for 2 months. Besides that, the only other jobs I had were fast food and working in shops and restaurants to afford things like basic needs. However, I would like to mention that during those 2 months, I handled many reports and many different types of interrogations and situations that all involved some sort of writing

Masters in Criminology Physiatry
Bachelor in Law Enforcement

Nationality and born location:
Hawaiian and Japenese

Phone Number: 030-

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
I would say I am a hard-working and dedicated person too whatever job I work for. I work hard and well and do well with interacting with others within my job and outside of it. I make sure to spend my time working on what needs to be done and then enjoy my free time after that. I'm reliable and trustworthy and intend to stay out of trouble and keep a good reputation not just on the job, but in the city as well
I know how to handle certain situations and responses, I'm a very level-headed person and I'm good at keeping a calm demeanor even when things get frustrating

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I'm more interested in writing about the events that go unseen by the city and exposing the parts and situations of the city that the public may not know much about. I intend to achieve this by using ex-KPD knowledge and skills I learned in interrogations on how to get information by going to multiple sources, and how I can use one source to locate another. I intend to make sure all of the information in my reports is correct and that I have reliable sources attached
I also am interested in doing reports on smaller scale things and overall informing the city of small events and situations as well so that I can keep the city informed of everything new that may happen. I believe it's only right that the citizens of Karakura know what is going on in the city in which they live and I intend to better help that

What are your expectations for the job?:
My expectations can have some creative freedom with how I go about formatting my reports, of course following all the rules of the station that are provided. I want to be able to interact with people in my free time and have fair deadlines and flexibility if by chance I am unable to reach a deadline. Overall though i don't expect much, just the normal rules of a job seeing how i wont often be working with other reporters and more handling them on myself

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
I have a very clean record, and I intend to keep it that way. Especially with my past in KPD

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

Report #1:

Written By: Darius Ikemori

Sadly it's without a doubt that the sweet bears of Karakura are harmed and mistreated daily. Every day the bears are harassed by nosey teenagers who want to get a photo or interact with the wildlife not knowing the consequences of their actions. Though some do know the risk they are taking interacting with these bears and still choose to do it despite the bears or even KPD giving them warnings

These situations have resulted in the loss of many lives ranging from adults to teenagers. It's led to too many injuries and also the death of many innocent bears who were just trying to protect their cub or their cave. That's why today I will be discussing how you can properly handle a bear situation, and when you know it's okay to interact with one and when it's not

Often calmer bears will show signs of interest in you. This includes soft sounds from them and their body language often shows no sign of aggression. Before even CONSIDERING approaching the bear, stay a far distance away and see how it may respond to you talking with it or offering it food when at a good and safe distance. If it seems interesting it may be alright to approach a bit closer, though remember to go slowly and at the bear's pace
If the bear begins to show signs of aggression while approaching it, step away and leave it at that. After all, they are still wild animals who are territorial and not afraid to hurt other bears or humans
If the bear lets you approach it and allows you to interact with it such as petting or just talking with it from a closer distance, don't try to do any more than that unless the bear shows signs that you are ok to do so. If at any time the bear becomes aggressive towards anyone, step away from the bear

Overall when it comes to making sure a bear is ok with you interacting with it look for more curious and accepting body language and signs, don't just run up to it and expect it to be nice right away, it may need to warm up and gain some trust prior

This one is a bit obvious, bears show clear signs of aggression when not wanting to be approached, this includes
. Growling/Roaring
. Standing on hind legs
. Being protective of a cub/cave
. Flashing teeth or claws
. Chasing or charging towards citizens
If the bear begins to show any of these signs, LEAVE. IT. ALONE!! Do not approach or interact with the bear! Leave the area and let it be! Remember bears are still wild animals and not normal household pets like dogs or cats. These are wild protective creatures that will attack if they feel it's needed

If the bear is hurting someone else or people are not leaving the area and keep disturbing the bear, angering it, DO NOT INTERFEAR. Call 110 and have KPD handle it. KPD has the proper tools and training to handle bear calls and it will be handled in a much safer manner. If someone is already injured make sure to specify that over the call so that EMS can be on standby for the situation

If you are in danger or being attacked, DO NOT FIGHT BACK. Do not hurt the bear as you can be charged with animal abuse, as well as the bear can remember you and target you in further situations in the future. Its best to attempt to escape if you can and then run as far away as you can then call 110 if you need medical care

Overall the citizens of Karakura have to keep in mind that these bears are wild creatures, KPD deals with bear calls constantly and every year we lose many lives due to citizens not respecting the bears or knowing the signals that a bear will use to show aggression

Report #2:

KAKAKURA NEWS: Corruption Among The Trusted
Written By: Darius Ikemori

As we all may know, recently Officer Amaya Omori O'Sullivan, our very own SGT went corrupt. In her video that was sent to the news, she stated and admitted to all the heinous crimes she committed during her corruption and how it's KPD's very fault that she became this way. On the 18th of December, 2023 KPD held a meeting outside their station where they addressed how they would solve or attempt to prevent the corruption issue that has been plaguing our city

KPD's own Captain, Daiki Saiky, spoke out about how they installed a new CCTV program where officers can't delete CCTV footage like Amaya did in the past. They also got the funding to make it so bodycams can just be turned off. Though these issues have been solved, that still begs the question if we can TRUST KPD

How can we trust these officers with our own lives when they can't even trust their team? KPD has always had an issue with corruption from back during Hiroto Akihito's reign of terror and even despite his corruption which involved over 6 murders these changes were never once implemented into the station until years later when ANOTHER large corruption situation would occur. KPD is a powerful force, these people are trusted with items like a tranquilizer gun, taser, handcuffs, access to the entire city CCTV, and so much more and yet it seems an officer will always misuse these items

KPD took days before even responding to how they would make the changes to the corruption in KPD, just to have KPD collapse to the ground! How do you know that this attack on KPD wasn't done by an insider who was corrupt for KPD? The station doesn't just FALL APART, despite it being very old yes it showed no sign of any damage before its attack so it begs the question, what was the REAL reason KPD collapsed that day? And why did it happen on the day that officers were holding a meeting OUTSIDE OF KPD?
It seems pretty suspicious that the building would collapse when all officers were outside of KPD during a planned meeting with the citizens, how do we know that someone within KPD helped destroy their very own station?

This also begs the question how much corruption has happened behind the scenes? How many officers have been caught and arrested for being corrupt or committing crimes that we don't know about? KPD hides these facts from us despite it being our right to know who we can and cannot trust regarding our very own GOVERNMENT! How are we expected to trust our government when they actively deal with corruption and hide things like that from the public?
I chose to take some time and look into this situation and see how officers would respond to it. So I requested that I speak to an officer on the matter, in I arranged a meeting with Rei Asogi, a Detective Constable who was at the meeting

Darius: Thank you for meeting me on such short notice Ms Asogi. I wouldn't want to waste your time so I'm going to get straight into it. Do you mind informing me of your current rank within the force, and how long you have been a part of KPD?

Rei: I am a detective constable and I've been here for like 2 months now

Darius: Wonderful, so you were here when Amaya's entire situation went down is that correct? All of her corruption and such?

Rei: Yes, I was there when all that happened

Darius: Great, do you think KPD did a good job addressing and handling Omori's corruption overall? This includes her death of course

Rei: Um it was handled well during her being corrupt. I wasn't there for how she died but I assume that was handled well too

Darius: So you believe that KPD handled Amaya's corruption well? Despite her corruption, she assaulted MULTIPLE officers, kidnapped and assaulted two EMS workers, misused police equipment, and got away a long time with deleting and turning off her bodycam and more. How is that handled well?

Rei: Oh let's see okay reporter how exactly do you expect us to stop that put an officer everywhere all with tranqs ready at every waking minute to stop her, want us to take her geat from her hiding spot there is nothing we could do to stop it. KPD has a very limited amount of officers and we did everything we could to stop her

Darius: Didn't she mention that it's KPD's fault that she became this way? That it's her own team's fault for becoming corrupt due to negligence? Weren't you ALSO included in her confession Rei? Don't you think that KPD maybe could have handled the situation by getting Amaya the moment they began to commit these crimes or treated her like a human being instead of a working robot?

Rei: You said how we handled her corruption we handled it after she went corrupt as best we could and she was a bitch that got upset over a few insults everyone deals with here friendly joking insults. If people here went corrupt over a few insults all of KPD would be corrupt because we all joke around. I doubt she even went to evals we have which work perfectly fine. Did she mention in the confession that she paid someone to trap me in a room as a 'joke'? She was just a bitch that couldn't handle insults, sure we could have done better but she could have said something instead of hiding her feelings

Darius: No need to get defensive Ms Asogi. Allow me to ask, why do you think it took KPD SO LONG to get these changes implemented? Don't you think these changes should have been added after Hiroto or other large corruption events that occurred so long ago? Why do you think it took KPD so long to add such an important feature?

Rei: KPD is understaffed and before there wasn't a reason to add them. Hiroto probably didn't need them because he went to jail for life. no reason to add extra charges. Amaya was the only one to not murder someone hence the need for extra charges. Plus the mayor changes from time to time along with the commissioner so it likely took until Schwarz or Ezi to think of adding the change

Darius: I see, that makes sense I suppose. Do you truly believe that these changes have done better for KPD? Do you think this will truly put a slowdown to corruption within the force?

Rei: Probably, there are new changes to stop corruption from being as easy to hide, and I'm sure the corruption will slow down with the new commissioner

Darius: Thank you for your time Ms Asogi

That is all for now, only time will tell if we can truly trust our government again

Thank you too Disgracedangel for actually answering these questions with me ICLY, this conversation itself WAS NOT STAGED. As well as for being apart of the SS!

Additional Information:
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @Aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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