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Frankenstein's Monster | V4


Level 29
I’m a higher up in the gang Hammer Heads, and will hand over my position if accepted into the faction..

loredevil (ALT)
phvntombride (MAIN - Not applying on this one because it holds a tag, but if you allow /character for this, then I’m all for it.)
crowseason (GOING INACTIVE)

Describe your activity on the server:
My honest daily activity fluctuates throughout the week. The weekends are primarily the least full, so I’m usually on whenever I’m free those days. However, during the middle of the week, I’m on later in the evening - during peak hours, I’d like to call it. This isn’t a guaranteed schedule, but it’s simple and it works.

I’m currently in a few factions - Professor, judge, and sports. While I don’t really maintain the two adult tags, and I’m commonly seen on my main - the captain tag, I still put enough time and effort into these factions. If I’m accepted into the BMD Faction, I will part ways with all but the sports faction. For now, atleast. I plan on making this faction a full time thing, and will prove my everlasting dedication.

LORE / FOOTBALL - phvntombride
I’ve been on the SRP Lore team for almost 7 months or so, joining towards the end of May. This account is typically what I’m seen on, this or my alternative. Nevertheless, being part of the lore team has impacted my experience on srp in more ways than one, as funny as it may seem. As well as my notorious green tag, I’m almost the captain for the Bobcat Male Football team - one that changed the way I play and enjoy SRP. This account is almost the one with all of my attributes, so I’ve been using it on GangRP for a while. I’m also a BMDA for Nylu, currently.

While on the topic of lore, I’m aiming to finish another crime document within the next few weeks.

When it comes to general activity though, excluding factions and my hours of playtime, I mostly run around and roleplay with either my friends, or just people I’m more familiar with. Even though I stay close to my limit and selection, I’m more interested in what I can come across during a roleplay. I’ve made multiple characters throughout my journey on SRP, ranging from young to old, so I’ve seen and done it all, really. To make my activity more simple and easy to understand, I put my availability down below in a chart.

MST Time zone, by the way.

6:30 PM
1 AM
6:30 PM
1 AM
9 AM
1 AM
6:30 P.M
1 AM
6:30 P.M
1 AM
9 AM
1 AM
6:30 P.M
1 AM

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
atjayy | I have a microphone, though I’ll usually only use it when needed, as I’m rather shy.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
United States of America | MST - Mountain Standard Time

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
I could rant about this endlessly and not get bored.

I started playing SRP back in 2021, and a month after my first appearance, I fell into GangRP. I wasn’t the best at it, being new of course, but as time went on, I started building a reputation for myself, leading me to where I am now. As basic as it may seem, I’ve been dying to get a shot of this prestigious spot once and for all - ever since early 2023. I’m looking for something I know I’ll stick out for months, years even, and I know this faction can house me the best. Even though I’ve gone and left many other factions, anything related to Crime is something I just can’t avoid no matter how hard I try. Eventually, as time goes on, I wish to take my current knowledge of CrimeRP, and expand it further and beyond than ever.

Every member of the BMD faction is either a good friend of mine, or someone I’m on great terms with. Taking that into consideration, I’d like to be alongside them when tackling projects or changing the way CrimeRP is viewed. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility, so I’m willing to put all of my energy into fixing things for myself.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
Before I delve into, again, another endless rant, I’d like to mention how, despite how many factions I ‘ve been part of, I don’t want to paint a picture for those who read this - especially the ones who give their opinions.

Most of my time spent on SRP was built on working in a team, and leading, so I’d like to believe that’s partially my take on teamwork. Of course, for other reasons, there’s much more that I’ve done than those too. For the first few years of my time on SRP, I was a part of multiple gangs - either leading them or resting in a higher up role, as most people deem me trustworthy of such a position. If brought onto the team, not only can I help with updating the current lore (if that’s needed, of course), but I can help new players get an understanding of the server, the rules built on CrimeRP, and overall change the way the server views roleplay.

But before all of that, I’d love to mention how long I’ve been in this category of SRP. Even though I’m not the most popular, at least in terms of reputation, I’ve had a clean record for as long as I can remember - and of course I plan on keeping it that way. I’d like to think this proves how dedicated I am to keeping a clean slate. With all that pushed aside, though, I’m aiming to be someone anyone on the server can look up to - new or old.

With a few of the topics I’ve already brought up, I can help bring more ideas to the Crime plate and write for the faction, rather than it all being the same as time goes on. There’s a few suggestions I can help implement, and a few rules I’d like to change around to make it fair for the rest of the community. If accepted into the faction, I can provide great roleplay and activity, as I’m known for both of those. As bad as it may seem, I’m willing to add more time to my schedule to log on to roleplay with others.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
Where do I start?


  • I’ve been a part of the lore team for nearly 7 months now, joining back in May of 2023. I started my journey terrified and beyond worried on how some would criticize me. Though, after I got used to the whole ‘green tag’, it wasn’t so bad. Writing lore for a roleplay server, especially a Minecraft one, isn’t something I pictured myself doing until I got in. I’ve learned how to communicate and share my ideas openly, and bring new ideas to the table as well - and of course, publish those ideas for the public eye. Out of nearly every faction I’ve been apart of, the Lore team isn’t something I can see myself leaving.

  • EMS has been a faction I’ve had an on and off relationship with, joining and leaving a handful of times for personal reasons. The first time I’ve ever joined was over 11 months ago, and it was the first ever faction (besides sports) that I was welcomed to. I had no idea how to roleplay with other faction members, especially those in the emergency, but after a while I picked it up. Throughout my reigning months, I made new friends (most of them I still speak to) and shared my experience at grinding out quotas alongside those friends. While I’m no longer a part of the faction, I still see it as another family. I guess I’ve just outgrown it, you know?

OTHER FACTIONS (excl. Sports & Crime)
  • For the most part, the two factions above are really the only factions I’ve spent countless hours in - at least physically, daily. I’m not sure if you can count Lore as one of those. However, I have my fair share of a few other factions, mostly relating to Town Workers (an example being both Judge and Reporter), another group I tend to stick to. I’ve learned how to write, how to roleplay, and do new things I never thought I could. Most of these factions are from a while back, judge being my latest, so it’s been a while since I’ve done something else.

  • Oh, where did the years go? I’d like to believe that 85% of my time on SRP is spent either CrimeRPing, or the complete opposite - sports! There have been multiple occasions where I was put in charge, whether that be as a captain or co-captain, and I’ve picked up a few things here and there. I'm currently the captain for a big team, so I’d like to think that grants me a huge advantage. It’s safe to say that the sports faction has a place in my heart, right beside EMS and Crime.

  • I’ve been one of Nylu’s trusted associates for the last 5-6 months or so, and it’s honestly been nothing more than I expected it to be. At times, when I’m needed, I’ll help with planning events, do openings, and overall provide help as an associate - whether that be Nylu’s or another BMD for example. On the lines of that, I’ve also led multiple gangs - both big and small, and have been a major higher up for the biggest ones (my most recent being Mefisuto’s shi****mi). Alongside the rest of the gang, I work towards creating a better experience for all of the players involved, and stick it out for a while. I’m big on that.

  • Like any average person around my age, I’m a working adult. Some jobs are more difficult than others, but they’ve all taught me how to complete a task with and without the help of my peers.
What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
There’s much I’ve wanted to write, and especially considering how I haven’t seen many suggestions directed towards the fairness of every player within the community, I figure now is the time to do so.

I haven’t personally experienced this, though I’ve had many of my friends witness it first hand, and that has got to be the KPS rule with detaining weapon crates / stealing them during openings. It’s an unlisted rule that applies to everyone, and when the perms get passed, it creates a bunch of confusion for those impacted. While there’s a rule that states that players can’t resell BMD purchased items without giving permissions, I feel as if other rules that fit that criteria should be included - to keep confusion at a minimum. This suggestion was something I wrote about in my last BMD application, but due to the nature of that, it was never implemented or really talked about (unless it recently became a thing).

  • In relation to the suggested idea, all new rules brought to the server should always be updated - anything unspoken, or a rule that you have to ‘find out on your own’ or through staff, should be announced immediately to avoid confusion.

On the topic of rules, I figured it’d be best to talk about the use of unfair keybinds. I’ve seen many people complain about this, as have I, so I wanted to talk about it. As someone who uses keybinds a lot of the time, mostly during roleplays (ex: /feed, /crawl) I find those entirely okay. But using a keybind to grab someone and spam an action to kock them out (and rolling against it), instead of risking the chance of police showing up by taking an extra 30 seconds to a minute to action, isn’t fair to those who want to be competitive within the field.

Again, using a keybind to /eat or anything silly is fine, but I’d really like to see a change surrounding other roleplays.

Another thing I’d like to see change, if even possible, is make it more competitive. Before you hesitate, and even question if that’s something we need, I believe it is. GangRP as a whole is something I’ve enjoyed, but other than mugging and using perms - with the occasional gang wars / events, there isn’t much to it. This is a major reason why I’d like to see more competition, whether that be claiming turfs again (because I know that used to be a thing before the plugin was implemented), or having an event to see how many weapons a gang can collect - make it interactive.

Of course this can, and most likely will, create underlying issues that will need staff supervision, which is why it should be something planned out beforehand.

As an old higher up for Mefisuto/Valhalla (and a gang leader), I was tired of seeing alliances being made. I had to fear losing my gang to two popular and crowded gangs, all because they made an alliance to go against us because we majored their leader. If adjusted properly, I feel like alliances could be removed from GangRP as a whole, or with special permissions and guidance from the faction lead, can be set for a period of time. Hogging all of the good gangs for yourself just lowers the fun of GangRP as a whole.

My final suggestion would have to be something to do for new players, or just those curious about GangRP. As BMD, gang leaders, and the faction lead, there should be a new guide implemented to help anyone interested out. I’ve seen the lack of CrimeRP recently, and I’d like to believe that it’s partially due to the fact that some players don’t quite understand how it works. Take it as you will, but I’d love to see this become a thing.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
As always. I’ve been familiar with them for years, actually.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yeah, of course. It’d be fun.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will ebe removed from the black market?:
I don’t recall the last time I’ve ever let this happen, but I’ll take it into consideration.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes! It’s similar to most factions, really.


Full Legal Name:

Fedir Lorincz; the one and only.

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation:
38. Sort of a mad scientist and corrupt doctor.

Gender & Marital Status:
Male. He’s a widower.

Ethnicity & Race:
Hungarian; White

Known Languages:
Former Associations/Occupations:
Scientist II; 2014-2019
As of now, this is the only position Fedir has admitted to be a part of. During his time as a scientist for an unnamed laboratory hidden away in the Hungary mountains. He was responsible for testing and finding all sorts of new medications and vaccines to diseases. Unfortunately, the company was low on profit, and was forced to shut down.

Scien..Tist..: ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋

A team responsible for creating and breaking down compound elements; a massive research group. What about them happened to be so special; why were they beneficial to the world? Oh, too many questions with little to no answer.

PROJECT XERA was the core foundation of the most intense, blood ridden diseases and cures throughout the lands. The research team often tested their chemistry on animals and humans, in a vile attempt at success - anything mattered right now. It was a trap, however - an inevitable one, at that. The entire project was bait to lure in the best scientists from around the globe, and use their brain power to create all sorts of chemicals and potions. It went wrong - so, so wrong.

Attending Doctor: 2023-2023
Through corruption and hatred, an evil doctor spreads his withered thoughts through the use of his subjects - a few specific at that. This was during his final spiral towards damnation, and by then, he had plans of entirely ripping himself apart. Instead, he forged his application and history as a doctor to fit right in. It worked.

Highest Level of Education:
A PhD in biology - a Master’s in Physics. | Eötvös Loránd University - Atleast he put it to good use.

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Fedir Lorincz; the man without a face, or so witnesses told. If you caught a glimpse of the fiend, his face would’ve been the ugliest sight you’ve laid your poor eyes upon. Sickening scorched skin scarred half of his facial features, and the reminiscence of a blade covered the other half of his face, leaving him partially impaired. Fedir limped on both legs, but was fairly seen to take it the worst on his left; he strutted through the streets. Every finger on his left hand was shaded a different color, and was held on by surgical scars.

Fedir hides a deeper being beneath his form - a divine figure so powerful, it could tear the world apart within minutes. No one knows of the beings name, or its origins, but it resides within Fedir himself, only coming out when deemed necessary. Fedir has created an entire life outside of his own; a personality so in control that when Lorincz comes to, he is forced to lock himself away to suffer.

A Sixth.. Finger?
Fedir’s left hand is something of a nightmare; an eyesore that you’d throw up just looking at. Each finger on his left hand was shaded a different tone, a different color, and he had a second ring finger - a sixth. This was the result of many experiments performed on him throughout his time as a scientist.

Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Zlata Lorincz - Wife [DECEASED]
A former scientist, similar to Fedir himself. She was known for captivating and hosting research projects amongst the team; her most honorable idea would’ve been her own cure to salvation. Unfortunately, she met her demise before the project went abroad. It’s better to rid the world of a curse, than to accept it into your life.

Illya Lorincz - Father ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
The last semi-familiar relative in Fedir’s life. Illya was well known for his research and his great discoveries. During PROJECT XERA’s run, he suddenly went missing. Where had he gone?
▋▋▋▋ . . ▋▋

The XERA Trials

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
The man without a face.

Casted behind a tangled mess of platinum blond hair stood a foreign man with half of his face burnt, and an eyepatch covering his left eye.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
All he’s ever wanted was to be loved. Why didn’t he get that?

Fedir was a lovely man, and an even better scientist. His soul was brighter than the rest - like the shiniest star in the sky; he was truly a dream. Lorincz took care of the sick - took care of the dying -, as it was his one wish to rid the world of its problems. With a heart of gold, this man couldn’t do no harm right? Even despite how cruel the world had been to the man, he loved everything and everyone.


Do you recall the divine figure? Paieon was the end result of PROJECT XERA. Throughout the months of torture Fedir was forced to endure, he created another being within himself as comfort, earning him the name Paieon. Story tells that Paieon is the complete opposite of Fedir - a corrupt being born from the hatred that resided within its host. It’s horrifying, once you get to see it. - Paieon has yet to care for a corrupt world, only thinking of the one goal he had in mind; boundless success.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)


Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Kunhegyes, Hungary
January 19, 1985; 12:07 A.M.

“For those you love, my darling.”

The result of a mistake presented itself to the world; his name was Fedir Lorincz. The boy was a rainbow child - Illya Lorincz and Katalin Lorincz’s fifth and final attempt at having a child of their own. Only melancholy tragedy would occur from here on out.

Fedir’s childhood was marvelous, until it came down on him. Being the only child of the couple, he got every single toy he asked for, even with their poverty hole. Illya, the father of Fedir, never found himself at home. He happened to be too busy in the lab, trying to find some sort of potion to bring his family wealth. This spiraled into Katalin falling into a deep, depressing arc - she often neglected her baby boy. He had done no harm though, so Illya thought.

Nevermind that..

The baby boy never had friends, nor did he ever plan on making any. He was an outcast shunned away from the world by his dearest mother; oh, how he hated the thought of her. Fedir spent the first 13 years of his life locked away in the house while his mother was running about, selling her body off for cash behind father’s back. Poor boy was too alone in this world, who could save him? Illya continued his studies in another land - it was for the family. When he was home, though, Fedir was the only being in his life he made known, despite the issues he bore.

Fedir’s one way to cope with the built up trauma, was creating his own machines with the parts his father gave him when he had visited. His prized possession had to be the water fountain he built from cans, a bit of water, and a bunch of hope. However, the boy wanted nothing more than to see the outside world, other than attending school and going to the chapel. One night, he confronted his father in theory. .

“Papa?” The boy called out one night. He stood from the doorway, casting a glare upon his ancient father. “When will momma let me roam free?”

Illya choked on his words; his cloudy eyes filled with saddening tears - nothing would come of it, though. He was hopeless. Father readjusted the glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose, before he hesitantly spoke out to the boy. “You.. You are free, my boy.” Was Fedir truly free from his corrupt mother’s hold?

The story continues like no other. Fedir has graduated high school, or for once, he felt at peace - he was away from his mother. The boy went on to live with his father halfway across the country, leaving Katalin by her lonesome. For sometime, everything moved ever so slowly - time, itself, seemed to have been frozen in place. One evening, Fedir had a thought floating about - aloof -, something was urging him to call his father. What was it? The boy reached for the phone and dialed his phone - it went straight to voicemail.

Illya never came home that evening. No one spoke of his whereabouts, or what could’ve possibly gone wrong.


College came and went; Fedir was legally a mastermind, scoring himself two certified degrees.. By the age of 30, he had married the love of his life - her name was Zlata Groff, and oh, was she lovely. They met each other at the college library, where both had happened to take interest in the same subject and goals. Zlata wanted to cure cancer, and any other sickening disease that had ruined the Earth, while Fedir wished to fulfill his father’s dreams of being the best damn scientist ever. Together, they planned on changing the world, one step at a time, even if it required a sacrifice. There was nothing more in this world that they wanted, other than to have a kid of their own. Poor Zlata struggled to get pregnant, and when she did, the baby always fell ill shortly after - an inevitable demise, one would have to say. They were devastated! This, a baby, was their only wish.

Nothing could’ve prepared them for what was about to occur, however.

To you, darling girl; for those you love. Desperate times call for desperate measures, no?

With a passion for anything, and everything, science, the loveliest couple set off into the mountains of Hungary. Deep inside, away in complete and insufferable isolation, lies an old, old laboratory full of lab coats and the boring individuals cursed to wear them. It was all they could’ve ever wanted.

“My darlin’! Oh, how this is just wonderful!” Zlata spoke enchantedly, as if the only thing she ever wanted in the world was to be by Fedir’s side, and really, it was. Time had passed already, and before they knew it, they'd been there for two and a half years.

Fedir had begun doing monthly journal updates after a few years of being a part of the laboratory. Nothing too irregular or out of the ordinary, just small, simple entries to start the new month. It was actually Zlata’s idea to begin with, but it gradually shifted over time and became something he was fond of. The pages to the journal are far too tattered to remain in his journal, so Fedir carries around the ones he finds most memorable. For quite some time, what they did for work was like no other. Zlata was a Scientist I, meaning she focused on her intense research for the time being. Fedir was a tier higher, which often forced the pair to be separate at times.

Oh, it was truly a love story. They made it work, despite their current living conditions. Zlata and Fedir never once abandoned their dream of having a family of their own. In fact, they happened to have planned out a cure to infertility - the one curse holding them back from their dream.

This world is a work of art. There are those who wish to tear this world away from the ones who truly need it, whilst those who wreak havoc to return what was lost seep into their own sickening pores. Where had their life gone wrong? Fedir and Zlata were bound to suffer together in the end - their inevitable result of their own actions. Corrupt scientists; this was their bidding. All of those pages. . Where had they gone? Fedir must’ve kept years of his literature kept away in his scorched journal. Oh, what a shame it had to have been to suffer the fate he did.

They were so, so corrupt. It must’ve been the environment.

There were new scientists studying amongst Fedir’s group. They came from a lab south of Turkey, and go by the name Xerathos. Unfamiliar faces, and a language too difficult to speak; Fedir found himself rather unfortunate when it came to meeting the new folks. It didn’t matter, however. . They were strange. Too strange, actually.

The journals. Fedir had to snag a new one in order to continue his literature, but the papers started to tear at each end. After the whole ordeal, they had begun to rot away from the flames that were once set upon their hardback cover. Their words were illegible; the pages themself were torn apart, one by one.

A new research group appeared, almost out of thin air, and claimed to have been from the south end of Turkey. Those present before them don’t believe a fool’s lie, however. They saw through their excuse of a tale. Who even were in the Xerathos research group? Too many questions, little to no answer. Fedir shouldn’t mind it, they haven’t caused any harm.

Though. .

Overtime, it gradually grew worse. Fedir only saw Zlata once in a blue moon, and that’s if he was lucky enough to catch her on her own. Her mental health was rapidly decreasing, as did her physical health. She would rarely conversate with her own loving husband, and spent her time locked away. It must’ve been those new scientists, Fedir had thought at the time. All this work seemed to have broken her down to her core. At least she was successful.

She was half way through the biggest project of her life. Finally, her cure to her own salvation - permanently rid herself, and those struggling with, of infertility. It was a separate project, though with the support of her loving husband, and the rest of the team, she believed she had finally solved the inevitable fate of her future kid. All she needed was a bit more time and support, and perhaps it was set in stone.

No.. What a fool she was.

Zlata was killed off. The locket necklace she wore at times was the only gift left behind.

What the hell is going on? She stopped showing up to work, alongside those a part of this project. But what the hell? This isn’t fair. How did they die?

Fedir was.. Next. Not enough grieving in the world could’ve prepared the man for what was bound to happen next. He was trapped in an endless cycle of self destruction, and pitiness, that he had forgotten his true self.

There was one figure in his life who still granted him his wish.

Let’s talk about Paieon, the Greek physician god known to heal and protect the injured throughout the wars. As a boy, Fedir always wanted to please the god - he was the being the boy looked up to when his father went missing, and even before then. Paieon was the reasoning behind his love for science and healing. But now, the man found comfort in this mythological being, even creating an alternate version of himself to take over when it got too heavy for him. Fedir named it after his idol.

Could Paieon hold up to the fate aforementioned?


It happened like no other. Months and months after Zlata’s sudden, but mysterious death, Fedir continued to work his mind and body to death. He used living, breathing people as test subjects, and if they were lucky enough, they would’ve died from the chemicals that clouded their mind. Fedir fell victim of the one thing he swore to destroy, and instead, he became overrun by Paieon’s conscious.

Fedir, himself, had begun to undergo experiments himself. They took his fingers and reattached total strangers - some dead, some still breathing. It was utter hell for those who had to undergo the procedure, which all started due to the theory of how phantom pains could work, and if other limbs would function within another vessel. Fedir had grown unalarmed, and rather favored the pain now. It was the only thing keeping him physically alive. The rest of him had been destroyed.

Fedir’s handwriting had worsened after every entry. He was slowly destroying his mental health, while still carrying on his family legacy of being the best. His work died down, unfortunately, due to fear of him being killed off due to his high intelligence - the same fate Zlata endured shortly before.

Endless days and nights, Fedir was forced to suffer. From being a living experiment, to literally using prisoners as test subjects, this was his life for the last two months of the project. It was all he knew of, and it was what built his character.

The last few weeks of the project were brutal. The experiments got worse, and worse, until it became a daily routine. Fedir was injected with a thousand different needles, and then came down from the effects that came with. Over, and over, and over. .

And fucking over.

The laboratory was raided on the 67th day after Zlata had passed away. Fedir memorized the time, number for number - 8:23 A.M.

The Rendőrség made plans of raiding the facility in search of any living people, weapons, or clues that could’ve led to the project team’s sudden appearance. Walls were torn down or breached, and those a part of the project scattered around the laboratory. They were helpless.

Due to the mosh pit, a huge fire had broken loose, spreading throughout the entire facility. Rooms were burnt to the ground, and if you weren’t lucky enough to have died from the stampede of people, the fire would lead you to your demise. Fedir fell victim to a vicious fire, which burned off the entire left side of his body. He managed to escape, for the most part, but is forced to wear the scars that came of it. Fedir was free, at last.

Day 71, he found himself recovering from the wounds inflicted upon his body. A bear’s claw marks stretched over his right eye, whilst infected pork skin covered the left side of his face.

Day 85, he was discharged from the hospital. Fedir was in constant fear of being followed, so he decided to evacuate the city and travel to a different land in search of cash, potions, and most importantly, his father. He was not dead; there was no way!

Day 90. Karakura, Japan is lovely, isn’t it, Fedir? Look at those beaches, the women your age - oh, it’s so marvelous. What could ever go wrong here?

Day ???. What the hell is a black market? He stumbled across it when surfing the web and found out about Ikigai. Some stranger told him of the masked figures who’d sell you what you wanted for a bundle of yen. Yen? Is that money?

Day ???. The black market. That is all he needs.

Day 174??. Fedir has come to favor his own thoughts and delusions. All the man wanted was to see comfort for his own mistakes, and finally find the meaning behind his father’s disappearance. He had not died - he hadn’t vanished so soon, but yet he made his way out of the troubled lands. PROJECT XERA held Illya by the throat, until he broke out the chains that held him back.

Day 1?5. “This money is useless! I do not care about such a thing. I want to know where my father went, can you tell me where he has gone? The black market can tell me everything I need to know. Without my father, I am a lost boy. Without Zlata, I am forever broken. Where are you, Illya Lorincz?”

Paieon is more present now. Fedir is not himself.

Day ???. “I cannot stand being alone! Zlata brought me comfort, and without her, I am gone. Father, oh my dear father, why can’t you come back? Have you run off to a different land, like me, in search of desperate answers? Please, father, I can answer them.:

“I do not recall ending up here at times. I pass out and wake up in different locations. Scared.”

Day 209, he believed. Fedir’s mind has faded away, leaving behind the remains of his new self. He is still in search of his father through the usage of criminal activities. The black market is next.

Day ???. Fedir had found himself a new alias, which broke off from the scientist Frankenstein. ‘STEINER’ was known for his recent contributions amongst the Crime world, labeling himself as the Underground Doctor. He performed blood curdling experiments on his victims, and helped rebuild those who have been destroyed. Fedir was a good guy, in the worst way possible.

Day ???. The black market welcomes its newest member.


Welcome to sunnyside Karakura, Lorincz! An island off the coast of Japan, known for its beauty and wealth.

Fedir fancied himself a new job as an attending doctor at the hospital. For obvious reasons, Fedir forged his application with the help of his old coworkers back in Hungary. To the world, he had been attending nursing school, but beneath those layers, he hid the truth from the public. With his new found career, Fedir set off on his own corruption arc. From poisoning his patients, to failing his job purposely - Lorincz was the no-faced devil.

By now, Fedir formally went by Steiner when we patrolled the sewers. He often stole from the hospital, and sold it off to the crime hospital for profit - another place he took interest in. His life was perfect, solid, until he came across her.

This lady was unnamed, and always stood behind a black mask. Though, whenever she met with Steiner, she always tormented the poor man. Whether it was through mental abuse, or performing malpractice on him - he never once caught a break. There was no escaping her wrath. As time went on, his street reputation grew. It wasn’t perfect, and it sure as hell isn’t something he was proud of, but he’s lost himself entirely.

Karakura wasn’t something he enjoyed.

Actually, he hated it and all of its mistakes.

And so he kept destroying the world around him. His corruption spread throughout the streets of Karakura, where he continued to harm the innocent in order to feed his delusions. Lorincz wasn’t a good guy, but to those who followed his lead, he was a god. Maybe he was; a no-faced Devil at that.

Something bugged Steiner. He had a stalker; a masked deity that watched him as he hunted through the sewers. This ‘thing’ never spoke, it never got close - it only watched from afar. It waited for Steiner to get closer, before suddenly vanishing. Lorincz, for once in his life, felt true fear.

Someone knew of Lorincz’s evil doings in the hospital, what he does to the innocent that do him wrong. An unnamed hospital worker, one of all fields at some point in their life, caught Fedir in the act. Almost out of reaction to the trauma, Fedir was seen replanting a severed finger onto another one’s hand - both deceased. Anyone would run from that, but the worker kept a close eye on him.

Until it was too late.

Before word was able to spread, Fedir rid the hospital of this worker. No, he didn’t kill the innocent soul, but he framed them or something worse - something beyond their control.

And because of that, they had to flee.


Present day Karakura, Fedir is greeted with a great opening. After his corruption made its way to the heart of Karakura’s evil soul, he wiped his name from the hospital and took his leave. Now, he haunts the sewers as Steiner - Karakura’s Create.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present Frankenstein’s Monster.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:


A pair of footsteps haunted the corridor of the sewers - its source: Steiner. They moved at a steady pace - click, click . . Click. Steiner stopped dead in his tracks, standing a foot before the sewer entrance. He raised his left hand, pressing a phone to his ear. Behind the metal mask, he spoke to those on the other line.

“Powerplant sewers. Take the long way, and don’t get followed.” The scene faded. It was just another deal, after all.

Night, after night, Steiner sold weapons and other smuggled items to those in need of fortune. But why did the man need so much money; what was his motivation behind lurking beneath the city streets, selling weapons to complete strangers? Why, it was all for Zlata Lorincz - Steiner’s late wife.

Steiner had friends in high places - folks who’d smuggle in and out goods in exchange for weapons and yen. One figure especially stood out. She never spoke about her name, but she worked at the hospital - claims she’s some cat goddess, or something. Nevermind that. Steiner met her in the Emergency Bay of the Karakura Hospital, where each of them hid their identity behind masks, despite being completely aware of one’s information.

“One point five million yen, and the serum’s all yours. This is your key to success, Steiner.” She called out, holding a ziploc bag containing a small vial of green liquid.

“One point five million fucking yen? Are you out of your damn mind, you woman?”

“Split that, plus that fancy knife you carry on you. I’ll leave you be after.”

Steiner hesitated, but for the sake of Zlata, he caved in. The masked man slung forth a small duffel bag containing wads of yen, before calling out to whoever the lady was, again. “Keep the fuckin’ money.” Oh, he had such an attitude. The lady giggled, before turning back and disappearing into the shadows of the hospital.

And so, Steiner ventured back to his hide-away hole, where he stored all of his equipment. . And pretty much lived. Dirty flasks filled the once empty shelves which rusted away over time. Beside the unlabeled flasks rotting away on their deathbed, resided a barely functioning fridge. Steiner peeled his mask off, setting it aside, before reaching for the handle of the fridge and pulling it open. Labeled flasks and petri dishes were evenly sorted out within the fridge. Steiner, now casually known as Fedir, removed a petri dish with is corresponding flask:

‘P161815105320’ - ‘F245181’ Fedir chanted the numbers out again, and again, as if they deciphered something. What did it spell out?

He set aside the two tools, and retrieved the serum from his trench coat. Behold, in all its glory, a thick, gel-like substance swooshed around on its inside. For the time being, Fedir set aside the vial on a rack, while he prepped the experiment that’d end it all. A cell spreader appeared within his left hand as he finally finished what he had started.

Inside of the petri dish was a soft, almost clay like powder that filled the entire bottom section of the dish. Fedir uncapped the lid to the vial, giving the substance one more mix around, before pouring it into the flask. With his right hand, the flask was shaken around to allow the serum to mix. To add onto it, he ripped the broken locket he wore around his neck, and tossed it in with the mixture. All that was left was to splash an ounce of the mixture within the petri dish, and his experiment was a success. .

Except, he never got what he wanted.

Fedir reached into the flash with the cell spreader, withdrawing it from the mixture, and expelling it out onto the petri dish. .


“What the hell?”

Cooking up in the petri dish was an abomination of whatever the hell was mixed in with the serum. An abrupt flame came, soon followed by an explosion. Fedir was launched away from the desk in a last minute attempt at dodging the explosion. The aftermath of his failed experiment resulted in the roof crumbling down, destroying all of the work he once created. Fedir had to leave - he had to get out of the hell hole he accidentally created. Smoke arose due to the impact of the petri dish, and by now, Fedir had crawled his way out from the debris.

It stunk of burning flesh, though not a single ounce of ash stained his skin. Where’d it come from, then?

Of course, it was his failed masterpiece. It seemed like it worked, though the lady had intentions of setting Lorincz up for failure - that bitch, he thought.


After the incident occurred, Fedir returned back to his hideout a few weeks later. He was furious to see his lovely creation fall beneath his feet, revenge clouded his already dying mind. Revenge. Death. Murder - all of it surfaced his thoughts. Ever since that damn night.

Fedir was so sick of evil bitch.

Once he broke through the burnt debris, he made his way back to his little workshop. All the remained of the flames was the petri dish - the locket necklace was glued to the inside. Or, well, welded.

“Fuck.. You..”

Lorincz had the impression he was being set up, so during his deal with the doctor, he stole a strand of her hair. How’d he do it without being seen? They called him the Devil, after all.

His new plan was to ruin her life. With the DNA he picked off of her, he was able to find out who she was.


Oh, her.

Fedir forged his application to the hospital, and after handling some dirty business with a few workers, he slid his way into the hospital like a snake. This started a new arc - his most evil, godforsaken plan yet.

To clone that damn hospital worker. Bitch.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
I’ve actually role played out Fedir being a corrupt doctor! It was fun.
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Black Market Lead
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