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Music Club Application | Owemji


Level 7


IGN of Club Leader


RPName of Club Leader
Kobayashi Ayano | Owemji

Discord Tag


Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

¿Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

I would like to promote change and improvement to students for work and creative purposes, to devote most of my time and energy to helping students to be more successful, but with breaks to my person. To better perform their role and provide the necessary resources to contribute to the low-income (also general) and to be of a work and personal harmony in their creative way

What is the official title of the Club

Music Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
Celeste A. | A3h0Ta

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Okana Hye-Ri | DrKatzz

¿What is your motivation for creating this club

(290/150 words)
The music has the ability to profoundly affect our mental states and elevate our mood. When we need it, music gives us energy and motivation. When we are worried, it can calm us down; when we are tired, it can cheer us up; and when we feel discouraged, it can inspire us again. Music provides a way for young people to express and explore their feelings and emotions. Teens often use music to address specific developmental issues that are important to them, such as love, loyalty, independence, friendship, and authority. Lyrically, music can also have a significant impact on teens. Research indicates that the music they listen to regularly could greatly affect children behaviorally, socially, and academically. Teens believe that music helps them release or control emotions and helps them cope with difficult situations such as peer pressure, substance abuse, study and family pressures, the dynamics of friendships and social life or the pain of loss. Music training helps to develop language and reasoning: Students who have an early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. The left side of the brain develops best with music, and songs can help imprint information on young minds. Other benefits of music. The benefits of music for the human being are many, in fact music therapy, a therapy that uses the benefits of it to improve various issues is being widely used. Some of the benefits are: It controls stress, anxiety and helps to get out of depression. Those who play a musical instrument and, in general, anyone who is dedicated to an artistic activity learn to think creatively and solve problems thanks to being able to imagine many possible solutions, rejecting presumptions and outdated rules.

¿What activities and events will your club do?

School Events (General)​

Musical events are some of the most exciting events to attend. A musical event can be of different types, just because it's exciting doesn't mean it's just Pop or Rock and Roll. It can also be something related to Jazz or classical music.

Outdoor musical event Outdoor concerts have always been famous in themselves, their popularity has increased a lot. Since they now allow a greater number of people to gather for an event without having to worry about space or ventilation.
Outdoor concerts usually require a higher cost of preparation, since despite having a greater capacity and amplitude, it also requires more equipment so that all the available space can be used.

Indoor musical Event Indoor concerts have lost some popularity since the beginning of the pandemic, as large gatherings in enclosed spaces were not allowed at first.

But they have the great advantage that they are cheaper since being a smaller space, the cost of preparing for the event is also reduced by not needing the same amount of sound and lighting equipment that an outdoor concert might require.

Club Events (Club members)​

Musical language The participant is trained to recognize the pentagram and locate in an extension of the main musical notes (Depending on the instrument) identify them and be able to read them in various contexts, also recognize the most common rhythmic figures, name them, read them and take dictations from them, becomes familiar with the concept of tonality through the musical scales, which recognizes and builds in an extension of an octave, at the end of the course the participant will have the ability to interpret simple melodies with the recorder that integrate melodic and rhythmic reading with at least two different tonalities.

Musical Appreciation The participant becomes familiar with the difference between sound and music, handles concepts such as timbre, duration, intensity, rhythm, melody, harmony and texture. It recognizes and differentiates the instruments of the families of rubbed and plucked string, wind and percussion. Recognizes different musical groups and identifies the instruments that integrate them, auditory and visual difference the parts in a rough way that can integrate a work melody or song, studies in a very general way the most significant periods of music, at the end of the course the participant has become an active listener who enjoys music with a broader and more significant concept, in addition to enriching his vocabulary with concepts, terms and elements of the universal musical language.

Singing The participant comes into contact with the most immediate instrument that is the voice, learns to recognize the parts of the phonator apparatus and becomes familiar with the good use and care of it. He performs breathing and vocalization exercises, becomes familiar with the possibilities of his own instrument while building a proposal for personal interpretation of a theme or song that allows him to put into practice what he has learned.

How could your club benefit the School?:

The school would be recognized by its variety of school interests and diversity of hobbies, it could implement things that the classes do not offer, for example: Lyrcis and behavior, In art class this is faked (in terms of acting) and improvised and is a bit good for creativity. But in the music club you could express yourself freely and about improvisation it would serve for creativity but it is also necessary a context to do that type of improvisation.
  • Listening to music in schools allows children to stimulate their imagination and their capacity for creativity. Music enhances the inner world of the youngest and also motivates and drives them to achieve their goals. Therefore, music, in addition to being an art, is almost a super beneficial and indispensable resource for human beings.
I try to put into practice an innovative method and teach, make and think music, theater, painting and cinema, and it is aimed at students of any age. In the case of music, its program combines a classical repertoire with the study of popular music – from the origin of black music in the United States, through Blues, Jazz, Pop and Rock – because the objective is to train musicians who love music, and music lovers willing to share and play in a group.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?

Work area (Default)

Encourage the practice of music without affecting the whole students or class can
be difficult to can provide to the students with an acoustic module to resolve this issue.
Our rooms allow musicians unlimited practice time. Modules
Acoustics allow musicians to rehearse under controlled conditions limiting the
at the same time the acoustic impact on those who live their activities day by day.
Modular design allows acoustic rooms to be available in a wide range
variety of sizes. The rooms are fully relocatable.
Built-in lighting and ventilation create a pleasant atmosphere within the
Fourth, the door has a window for natural lighting, better visibility and
safety. The installation process is fast without complications, ensures a minimum
pertubation . Normally no fixings or penetrations into the room are required
or in the surrounding soil.
Both the interior and exterior have an aesthetically pleasing and aesthetically pleasing finish.
high quality.

Events Area (For Mini K.A Events)​

This area will be modified by events requested by students, such as birthday parties or celebrations. This will be charged in order to have a profit for our work and dedication. The area will be modified depending on the tastes and approval of the buyer / glider

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?

It would be the dedication and the interest in creativity, production, lyrcis, dedication and creation. Time is necessary, but it can still be justified

"This is my dream, this is why i try to make a club"

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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, the idea this application is based around so far (MUSIC) was a concept put into action by an existing club leader and failed, due to a lack of interest drawn to the club.

Your events listed under School Wide are the same two events with one aspect changed, Inside and Outside.
Musical Appreciation The participant becomes familiar with the difference between sound and music, handles concepts such as timbre, duration, intensity, rhythm, melody, harmony and texture. It recognizes and differentiates the instruments of the families of rubbed and plucked string, wind and percussion. Recognizes different musical groups and identifies the instruments that integrate them, auditory and visual difference the parts in a rough way that can integrate a work melody or song, studies in a very general way the most significant periods of music, at the end of the course the participant has become an active listener who enjoys music with a broader and more significant concept, in addition to enriching his vocabulary with concepts, terms and elements of the universal musical language.

Singing The participant comes into contact with the most immediate instrument that is the voice, learns to recognize the parts of the phonator apparatus and becomes familiar with the good use and care of it. He performs breathing and vocalization exercises, becomes familiar with the possibilities of his own instrument while building a proposal for personal interpretation of a theme or song that allows him to put into practice what he has learned.
These two feel less like events and are explained as if you are pitching the concept and idea behind the club to me.

Your current members RPName & IGN:
Celeste A. | A3h0Ta

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:
Okana Hye-Ri | DrKatzz
The amount of people in your club still does not meet application requirements and standards, if you don't have people interested in uptaking the activities on the club beforehand, how am I shown people will show interest in the club once it is accepted?

Your application is relatively short in general and your motivation for applying to the club is not motivation from you personally, rather a reworded extract from the article, Impact of music on society - Sociological Effects

If you have any questions about club applications or clubs in general, please DM Customable#1590


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