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EXAMPLE | Architecture Club

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Level 139
School Clubs Lead
Media Team


IGN of Club Leader
(In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Mee-young Jaibatsume

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

I have the drive, motivation and resolve to push forward my ideas and bring new exciting scenes and events to the school faction as a whole, boosting activity for our members and creating entirely new activities for our members and future members to indulge in and practice new roleplay and skills around members similar to them.

My drive and activity on the server make me a suitable candidate for club leader as I have previous experience in leadership roles, working in similar conditions and creating fun and new ideas for the community to take part in.


What is the official title of the Club
Architecture club

Your current members RPName & IGN: (minimum of 5)

Mee-young Jaibatsume - Customable

Den "Wick" Celestiasume - FreePretzels
Eva Ademic - RandomlyAccepted
Asami Jaibatsume - Ahimotu
Kim O' Sullivan - Lizalopod
Lia V. M. Celestiasume - Yukigoth

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:

Namiko Kusanagi - RandomlyDenied

What is your motivation for creating this club:
(150 Words)

Much of schoolRP's foundation is built off the scenes we see ourselves set in, the rooms, the buildings, the outdoor landscape and the layout of the map, shrines and temples, estates and towers, all things that create exciting concepts in roleplay for our characters, driving us to interact with the scenery more and use it in our daily roleplay or acknowledge the detail in its structure and admire its make and methods used.

The server has inbuilt plugins which allow us to express our own creativity through housing and apartments, towers and estates, land and more, giving us that freedom to create on a server that had been built and moulded by our builders for countless years. I intend to bring that expressed freedom into roleplay by creating a group of individuals passionate about the subject of building and expressing their own creativity.

Allowing players of the community to flourish ICly and giving them new hobbies or opportunities to take part in is a task I strive to fulfil.

What activities and events will your club do?: (Work out at least one club members only event & two school-wide club event)
Club membersSchool-wide

Show and Tell
Allowing my club members to create "Schematics" or "layout Concepts" in roleplay, which will actually be self-directed or group build projects shown to us via screenshots, is an interesting way to draw activity out of our club members and get them to share their ideas with the rest of the club.

They will be given the chance to show off their own work and perhaps even receive feedback on improvements that could be made to help their skills grow in the "Architecture" scene.

Arrangement and Placement
Club members are given equal spaces to work with to compete against each other to create the best layout or design they can with the provided area, competitivity is between single members or equal groups, sharing ideas at the moment and acting on the time given to them to create the most interesting scenes they can.
The school gymnasium is cleared and converted into a temporary stage for concepts and scenes our club members have been working on, from small simple rooms to much larger-scale concepts.

Exhibition rooms are set up similar to the stage sets in movies so they are easily assembled and disassembled before and after every exhibition.

Theme designed rooms
Rooms and mazes are created in the gymnasium or around the school's classrooms, setting up fake walls in the halls of the school and allowing players to free-roam experience the creativity of our members, mass projects like these would only be hosted once a year and would be set on a specific theme, Christmas, Halloween, Etc

How could your club benefit the School?:

We make use of schoolRP's inbuilt creative or editmode systems, even the creative server to construct interesting events as seen above for the school, the club focusing on architecture on schoolRP too could work closely with the build community team to create new designs for classrooms and maybe even push some of our members into applying if they build their skills and portfolios well enough.

We bring a unique element in clubs never seen before, pushing the limits of creativity even further than have been seen in other clubs before, especially with the necessary tools already build into schoolRP

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?

Creating boards to share and note down ideas, redesigning them every few months with interesting designs and leaving the doors open for players to wander in and explore give new interesting aspects and rooms to chill out in not only for our club members but also other students. Club members will be given a chance to choose a theme and build in the club room to express their own ideas.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?

/ticket, /p editmode and plenty of ideas from them!

Thank you for taking the time to read my club application!​
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