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Denied LORE TEAM APPLICATION — ilovemyplanex2


Level 94
IGN: ilovemyplanex2

List your discord name and tag (name#0000): ilovemyplane

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord? Absolutely!

Your time zone and current country of residence: EST, U. S. A.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable: — [DENIED]

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team? I do recognize this.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.


This ties into some of what I will be going over next, but this is a huge part of it. I do not have the best mental health and I may not be able to focus on this kind of thing on some days given lack of will to do them thanks to any mental illnesses I do have. This doesn’t mean I don’t wish to be on the team; it’s a matter of my own mind and its ability to deal with major parts of my life. I absolutely will make time for SRP, as it is one of my own passions, I just do believe that it may be a bit hard to focus when my mental state isn’t the best.


Another thing that is loosely tied to mental health; writer’s block. I may lack the motivation to work on lore if I cannot focus or come up with original ideas for it. This doesn’t mean I will not try to work on what I need to, I absolutely will! If I feel such a way, however, it will be notified as soon as possible that I may be unable to finish something in a certain amount of time thanks to this. It also entirely depends on personal schedules, which I will be going over next!


I have a life outside SRP, as does anyone else. I am a high schooler in his last year and thanks to this I may be busy on weekdays. I do often make time for SRP though, as my schedule has lightened a bit. But either way, school is and will be there and may be a part of the reason why I don’t have as much activity as I may need to.


This is something I have always struggled with; making everything perfect. If it’s not my best work, I may procrastinate and take my time to make it however perfect I think it needs to be. However, this doesn’t mean I won’t accept criticism. It’s akin to my skin-making, in all honesty. I absolutely want my art, both written and digitally drawn, to be absolutely perfect and I will not hesitate to make it such.


What makes you passionate about writing?:

Freedom of expression! It’s one of my favorite things in writing and art. Creativity and expression tie into each other extremely well as they are both related. I have this drive, this urge, to make my own stories, to explain why my characters work how they do. I always find the time for them, to elaborate upon why they act how they do. Creativity is one of the needs for writing, one of the driving forces.
I feel the need to get my ideas out there, to get my work known. If by a small community, then so be it! That will only boost my abilities to move beyond such a community and to the greater world itself. I believe that with a little determination and know-how, even a person such as myself can get themself out there and known. After all, it’s worth trying to do such instead of never doing it at all.
That’s the only way any of us can.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:


I was always a creative boy, as I often made and wrote stories. I read more and more that also influenced what I wrote, such as my favorite series called “Warriors” by Erin Hunter. They were what drove me to make my first role-play character with her own lore, a cat by the name of Silverpaw. She is a prime example of massive character development, almost to the point where her current self is hardly recognizable. She was the starter to the world of original characters, to the world of fanwork. Silverpaw, whilst she had her flaws, was the backbone to my current place within a community such as this. I have had several others, but none as good as her.


This introduced me to even more content, to things that could help me fix my characters. I got introduced to people with the same interests as me, and I spoke to them. We role played a lot and I managed to develop my own characters thanks to these people who I have played with. I was first introduced to it via Wattpad (yes, I’ll admit that) and met many of my old friends thanks to the app. We made characters and their stories, then acted everything else via texting.
I have also had experience with Minecraft role-play, meeting a very good friend of mine who I started a server with. We made the server run for almost 2 years! The server had its own lore, its own characters, and its own events. It was a great introduction to role-play in a game that not many would have at the time. Thanks to this, I branched out to other role-playing servers such as SRP itself.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:

Lore is, in simple terms, a story, the backbone to any good world. It shapes people, it shapes the things around them, it shapes their history. In fictional worlds, this is often just told to be a ‘backstory’ and not much more is elaborated upon it when it so should be elaborated upon! Lore is the most important thing for a world, as it shows what people and animals are and why they act as they do.
Even outside of fiction, in the real world, it has its own definition of ‘lore’. Our history, our cultures, the world around us could be seen as such. It shapes what we are, telling us our own history and why we are what we are. It is highly necessary no matter what, even if you do not believe it is.

Lore is not just a backstory, but an entire world. It would be best to treat it as such!


  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

A family of misfits, that’s what the Starks are. Especially the head of the family, an odd, eccentric but extremely popular Russian-Japanese man by the name of Jericho, or ‘Karl’ as people know him. An icon to some, a nuisance to others. A man with confidence in his walk, his behavior, his appearance. Naturally people would be jealous of someone who had achieved such ability to be well-known despite not even being employed in anything major. A self-made run-way king, as some may describe.
But even he had his own obstacles, people who wanted to tear him down. And people sure did try, but never came close to it. They tried to kill him at the worst, but none came anywhere close

A wandering sort he was, the forest of Ochiba drew his interest.
A few crunching leaves and sticks broadcasted his arrival to any around, sending a few animals scattering across the beautiful forest. A look above from where he was walking and you would spot branches covering the starry sky, leaves that fell in the cold autumn wind. A wave of silence washed over the male, but his instincts told him there was something lurking. Something he quite well ignored.

Pausing when he overheard two conversing voices, Karl listened. His head whipped around for where the voices came from, but it came to no use. So the Russian male chose to stand there and listen to what was being spoken.
Laughter would have erupted from a voice, one too familiar. The same voice he had heard, the same spirit he had met, days prior. And they were on the topic of . . . death from Karl’s assumptions.
I’m not going to kill you.” was something he heard, an eyebrow being raised. Clearly the emotion of disbelief was on his face. Then he jumped as the sounds of walking were heard, his eyes darting over to the source.

It was the same spirit, or man, that he had seen days prior. And he walked right through Jericho, not a word being spoken. A silvery haired male followed after, racing past more so. An intense pace he had, one that Jericho matched as the two followed after the spirit.
The cloaked figure, one with a hat over his head, sat perched on a rock.

“Wait, don’t run awayyyy,” was what the silvery haired male whined, coming to a stop at the rock. He watched the hat man with a look in his eyes, an interested one. His voice seemed childish to Jericho, but the man didn’t mind. Instead he listened to their conversation again, observing the hat man with a certain gleam in his eyes. The figure shifted to look at him, his features indescribable, before going back to the silver haired one. The latter of which introduced himself as ‘Sevyn’.

“Is that your real name?” The spirit had asked as he paid close attention.
To which Sevyn replied with something that Jericho couldn’t recall when interviewed, but either way the hat man hadn’t shown much of a reaction. Instead he jumped atop the roof behind him, with another person following suit. The hat man’s cloak billowed out behind him, his gaze sweeping the slightly growing crowd.

Jericho didn’t care to get a look at them, instead following the spirit as well. He spotted his dear sister, Oni, from the corner of his eye and called out to her. Letting her know he knew she was there.
Jericho would have asked the spirit,
“Is it cheating to kiss a ghost?” To which he was just stared at, rather blankly for a few moments.

“. . . Yes,” was what the spirit replied with, a response that made Jericho a bit embarrassed as shown by his next exaggerated movements. He would have stopped before examining the figure more, an idea in his mind. One that was less ‘let’s just kiss a stranger’-esque. But still not the smartest.

The Russian would have ran up the rock and jumped utop the roof, landing a few feet away from the spirit. Then he would walk up, right in the hat man’s face, just to . . . boop where his nose was. However, Karl’s hand went right through. A surprise to say the least.
A feeling of shock rushed over him, but he didn’t show any signs of reaction momentarily. Instead he called back to Oni, asking,
“Should I do it again?” whilst the figure and Sevyn spoke. This followed with the former jumping down, Karl and Sevyn both following suit. A picture the former took, to recall this moment at a much later date.

Then there was . . . even more chasing! Something Karl found highly annoying, but he didn’t care. As long as he got to see this spirit, to know what he was like, he didn’t care.
That’s something he should have cared about though, given the future circumstances.

Eventually, they chased the spirit to one of the many campsites scattered across Ochiba, except it was on a cliff. One of the Bobcats’ hideouts, Karl knew. But they went up, the group climbed up the wall that lead to the hideout. Still following the mysterious, unnamed figure to another campsite atop a cliff of sorts. The group would huddle around a fire, with Sevyn next to the spirit and constantly bothering it.

The spirit took one stand up, a look over the group with an aura about him that spoke volumes of how he viewed the group. From Karl and Sevyn annoying him, to the fact that the others simply watched, it appeared to have an idea. The spirit would ask, in a relatively calm voice,
“Who wants to read?”

Karl chimed in first, then followed by Sevyn and yet another individual. The spirit went to another place and stood there while the strange group crowded around, Karl right over his shoulder. He would then open a book and start reading off of it, warning the group in an ever so subtle tone. But of course they didn’t listen, especially Karl and Sevyn. Even towards the end they were not spooked, until the spirit decided to do something.

A sound of something being taken out of its resting spot, a nice ‘CHING’ being heard through the area. It was enough to send a shiver down your spine. And that it did, bringing silence to the group.
Karl would have looked over by now and noticed the weapon being drawn, his eyes widening slightly. An axe was what it was. A weapon that very much could kill if needed.
What didn’t help was what the spirit did next.

“Karl. Middle, now.”
Karl would have poured slightly as he walked over to where the figure stood, but stared at him blankly. Clearly not comprehending what was asked, he later recalled. But the man got dragged to the edge of the cliff. The spirit had stared at him for a good minute, before shoving him straight off the cliff.

One thing was heard.
And that was the sickening ‘CRUNCH’ of a bone, or multiple, being broken. A sound that said very well that Jericho was at the very least injured.

This should’ve stopped any man from pushing onwards with messing with a spirit, but it sure didn’t stop the head of the Stark family. It never did. Instead Karl flipped himself onto his stomach and quite literally started crawling his way to where the stairs were, dragging himself up. A few bruises he gained, but nothing to lose his confidence. Karl would have been there when he noticed something, or rather someone, laying on the ground beside the group.


A pool of red was surrounding the male, his chest only slightly moving up and down. A look of terror on the group’s faces, minus Oni, was noticed and Karl heaved his way over. The man would stop and take breaths from his position on the ground, this of which was heavy. His sister made her way over, standing right next to him. She would have whispered,
“You alright, Karl?” To which he would give her a confident smile.

“Karl Stark never dies,” was simply his response, that of which drew somewhat unwanted attention.

The figure would have made his way over with the group, looking down at Jericho momentarily before back to his current target, one of the women in the group. One of the people that had a phone out, in other words. The figure, dubbed Artemis, to give it to him, not that it was answered. Instead the figure would yank it, as well as a book later down the line from Oni, out of their hands.
Artemis would then make his way past the Kaneko siblings, stopping to speak to the younger one. Karl himself snuck behind something and texted someone quickly, letting at least one person know that he was injured. The conversation he paid no attention to, but at least now he could possibly get help. The male would then crawl over to the group and listen to the conversation going on, his sister at his side eventually.

A game he played, a fine line between death and life, but it didn’t matter. There was already someone who could’ve died on the floor near them and they were not taken care of, aka taken to the hospital. There were about 7 of them, 2 of which already crippled. A blind man was amongst the group, one of the first targeted after playing a game of ‘hot potato’. A relatively innocent game turned wrong, in other words. No major injury was inflicted, unless you count a cut across the arm as such. But the man was still very clearly in pain, as Jericho and anyone else could see.
However the situation would be cut short as the spirit disappeared after first light, leaving the group alone.
Oni would have scooped her older brother up and ran, ran with him to a hospital. A place that some people most likely needed to go to as well, but weren’t paid attention to. Like Sevyn.

Sevyn was left there, not necessarily heard from again on Karl’s end. Not that he was ever close to the man, but it was quite odd for him to be gone. Especially given how vibrant his personality and general behavior was, that of which made him stand out upon the multitude of citizens, but then again murder and death was rampant in these parts. People died one way or another, not all of them that can be met. But it was still comforting to know those you could have, to try and make some kind of connection regardless.
Maybe that’s what kept Karl himself going, maybe it wasn’t. Nobody would know besides him.

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

A quiet place is always appreciated, especially for those who don’t do too well with people. Retreating to areas that are secluded is often what is done about these situations. But some places? Some places have more a history than others, a history most would rather leave uncovered. But knowing the citizens of Karakura, that was not something they paid mind to.

Beautiful ponds, those of which hid some sort of history, dot the landscape of Karakura. Most particularly an unnamed one behind the Block L complex, a gorgeous spot for those seeking shelter from the bustling city life. A few centuries ago, not much changed. One step into the area was all it took for generations to be enraptured by the sheer tranquility of it all. This very spot changed, as most do, all thanks to one individual with a need to be of use. A drive to do better things in the world. At least, that’s what the rumors say.

His name? Hirohito Nishimura, a Japanese middle aged man who had no desire but for peace in his life as well as the rest of the world. However, there was something strange about him. An air that drove most away, the very thing that made the man feel, in most ways, just simply lonely. He was not the most people pleasing person, but he was honest with all he did. After all, he was raised to respect others and wished for them to do the same. Hirohito was never treated with the same respect. For a good few reasons.
A man who followed paganism and did witchcraft, he was, but he only wished for the betterment of those around him. This and his straightforwardness was what set him apart, what made him different. However the former was much more an impact on his life, as he lost chances at occupations thanks to this.

Nishimura, eventually driven to reclusion, would make his way into a forest. Not Ochiba, the one later known for its mystery and knack for being haunted, but a smaller, more peaceful one nearby. The man would have set up camp in a nearby cave, tending to his own needs. Making sure he stayed alive all the while as he hadn’t finished his mission just yet. He would have practiced witchcraft, honing the art. Praying to the gods above, he wished for a sign someday. A sign that let him know he was on the right track.

Their way of showing him a sign?
His sudden urge to relocate. There are no recounts what exactly transpired to cause this, but Nishimura had enough of the cave. He would have moved to somewhere west of where he stayed originally. A pond was in the center of the very area, a gorgeous pond with koi fish and multiple other species swimming lazily around. The forest surrounding was littered with creatures, most notably foxes.

Nishimura was rumored to have died at this very location a few weeks later. His cause of death was assumedly drowning, as shown by the fact that his body was where the koi fish swam. However, there was no reason for him to have died. Nishimura was not a man who would have taken his own life. Especially not at the beginning of his own journey to restoring some sort of harmony.
He was found only 30 minutes after his demise, but even then it is thought that the area around this location changed. The aura changed, one to a more peaceful area.

On this note, foxes in particular and other animals were frequenting the spot. Lounging around or otherwise eating what they could, the unnamed spot was a haven to these creatures. A haven to the dead and alive in turn. A haven to Nishimura, it was said. Despite the loss of life, this spot flourished. A spot that would be forgotten later down the line but never gone.

A multitude of bugs of some kind, an unrecognizable one, would often be seen hanging around these animals, either that or what seemed to be the wisp of a man. They would also occasionally be seen around eye-witnesses, as if protecting or even watching them with every movement. These stories are far and in-between as hardly anybody visits this area, but whenever visited it’s almost always these two variations. Those who visit often say that it’s one of the calmest spots they have ever been in, but others say the opposite. It’s almost as if they’re unwelcome in these parts, for one reason or another. As if the spirit in the forest is aware of anything you may have done to harm others.

However, that isn’t his intention is what some do say. He is a spirit there to protect those who cannot defend themselves in the new environment, a presence that defends those who need it. Whether human or animal, it never matters to Nishimura. As long as they are good in spirit and mind, he will try his hardest to protect those he comes across. This is made even easier as a spirit, a being that can and will do whatever it can whilst gone.
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Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying. After discussing with the team, we decided to deny your application due to the competitiveness for this role.

For any questions relating to the application, DM rexypoo on Discord with said question. Feel free to reapply and address these factors for the next wave of applications.​

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